Whats wrong with Percy (Part 1)

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Dedication to : SASDUL for being the first to comment on this story.

All the gods except for Poseidon( who was still trying to sort out things with Amphitrite and Triton) were seated in there thrones trying to have a meeting. The keyword being trying to. They were all arguing and bickering about something or the other and being just about annoying. Hestia and Hades were completely out of their wits, trying to calm their family down for once. Just as they thought that this couldn't get any worse,they heard a loud thud and a few oomphs!!! and ahs!!! When they had looked up, they saw a very astonishing site, completely out of the blue.

When Hestia first saw the group of demigods carrying another person on the stretcher she knew something was wrong, especially after she had recognized the limp body of Percy.

 Wow!!! what an important meeting you are having, isn't it eh!!! Surely this must have been even more important and better than helping the demigods in recovering, huh!" Shouted Nico sarcastically as soon as he saw the gods, trying to vent out his anger and frustration while the others are trying to console him.

Hades could see that his son was quickly losing his energy. He knew that shadow-travelling had exhausted him and that, the slightest bit of exertion would drain him out. Everybody would have that he was as cold a father as he was a god, but they were wrong. Hades new all about Nico's problems and worries. His worry of not being enough, his insecurities, his endless love for the Sea Prince... the list would go on if he was to talk about it. He knew that Nico was very protective of the Sea Prince. He was sure that slowly the others will also realize how much Nico loved him. 

When they heard the thunder rumble outside it just enough to set of Leo's anger this time "Seriously Zeus!!! You really think that this is the time to sulk instead of helping a demigod. A demigod who had put all of you in front of his own life and saved your lives for the second time in a row. When he heard Zeus grumbling something in the lines of annoying brats he retorted him with a "what did you say" which just got a "nothing"in reply from the Thunder God which earned few snickers from the others occupying the room.

"What happened to Percy" asked an anxious Apollo wanting to know why his son was not able to recover the sea's son.

Just as the demigods were about to tell the gods about Percy, they heard a heartbreaking sob and a cough coming from the side were they had left him. Percy was sobbing uncontrollably, still unconscious and murmuring incoherent words under his breath. They were about to approach him when suddenly they saw Percy convulsing rapidly with a frown on his face. His eyebrows were scrunched up in the middle of his forehead, he was trying to take in as deep breaths as possible. He was flailing his limp body and looked as though he was trying to stop himself from drowning, something considered to be impossible for the sea prince. What they didn't know was that, it was exactly what was happening in that mind of his.  

****Inside Percy's Head****

Percy was back in that terrific place. He could feel the sulfurous atmosphere closing on him. He was unable to breath and suffocated. All he could see in front of him was red. He could recognize that he was near River Acheron. As he was trying to think something else, something to distract himself from he could feel himself slipping into a completely different place.

As Percy closed his eyes he could see the place he dreaded the most. It was the same way as it was before. The apartment was completely untidy, reeking of alcohol, sweat, dirty clothes and stinky shoes. He could see that most of the things from the hall were moved out to make place for Smelly Gabe's poker party. As he was standing there he could feel his childhood fears sneaking back into his mind. He could feel his heartbeat rising to an extreme level. His body became completely rigid with terror and fright, except for his hands which moved on their own accord. Sneaking around his waist as though trying to shrink back and hide. After what felt like an eternity Percy could hear shuffling sounds from the next room. He could hear a voice ringing in his mind. A voice he knew all too well, a voice which froze his insides and felt paralyzed by terror. He remembered all the other time he heard the cold and taunting voice of Gabe. Before long Gabe was standing in front of him. He was dressed in a pair of crumpled and dirty shorts and a wife-beater. He could hear the taunting voice of Gabe calling out names to him.





Unloved Brat and various other words as he felt the first blow to his stomach, later on continuing to various other parts of his body, were it was away from the prying eyes of the others. As he felt the blows on him, he could feel himself yet again slipping from his memory and jerked his eyes open.

**** Back to the Present****


Sorry for the delay guys. Having a hectic schedule has not allowed me to upload. I'll try my best to update sooner. This is just part one of the chapter i'll update the second part as soon as i can.

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