The Saviour and The Pyromaniac

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Hey guys, so I don't know how the story is going. This is my first and I want to know your opinion. So please do comment or vote.
The characters of PJATO and HOO series don't belong to me.
So... read on.

Percy's frail body was looking almost dead, if not for his breathing and Nico's reassurances to the other demigods they would have thought him to be dead.

All the demigods (except for the Romans, who had returned quite reluctantly) were sat anxiously around his bed as Will tried to make out what was wrong with the sea prince.He was running tests in order to check if he was alright and stable. No amount of Ambrosia and nectar was helping to revive his pale skin to his usual color.

"We need to call the gods. That's the only way to treat him. I'll go and inform Chiron about it."said Will as he stepped out of the big house, where Percy was shifted later, to find Chiron.

The whole room was in complete silence as the demigods waited for the gods to come, wishing that they would feel it was important for them to come to their saviors' rescue when he needed it.

As they waited there, they could here a sudden crash coming from the beach and loud shouts of appreciation. They didn't take notice of it and instead just continued to stay there, just in case Percy got up.

"Wow!!! I come back to the camp, after almost being dead, to save a friend i promised, only to be given a warm welcome by my best friends, who are not even acknowledging me, in the infirmary. Ah!!! I feel so loved." came an all too known sassing voice of the pyromaniac.

"Leo!!!" came about 5 voices at once. Oh!! how happy they were to at least have one of their jesters' back with them. Just as they were about to tell Leo about Percy they were distracted by a slight cough coming from the other side of the infirmary.

As the others peeped out they could see the most gorgeous girl standing at the door. She was dressed in button down white shirt and a blue jeans that fit her in the right places accompanied with a pair of flats. She had long caramel colored hair reaching to the middle of her back which she had braided. "Guys this is Calypso, Calypso these are my friends Nico, Jason, Piper, Annabeth, Clarisse."Leo said pointing towards all of them.

"Leo you moron did you have to give us such a scare, idiot "He heard Jason say which sent butterflies into his belly and made him feel queasy all over as he hugged him back.

"I'm sorry guys but I had to go, I had promised to save her thats why I took Festus and went in search of Ogygia. I didn't mean to scare you, I merely wanted to bring her out of the prison and give her a life of her own." apologized Leo his head held down with embarrassment to have disappointed his friends.

"Hey it's alright, bud, we are just happy to have you back. So, is this your girlfriend?"asked Piper raising her eyebrows suggestively.

"What??? umm.. no, actually we didn't work out so we stuck to being friends, thats it." Exclaimed Leo slightly embarrassed at his friends bluntness.

Just as all of them were catching up Will rushed into the infirmary "what happened?""what did the gods say?"and all other sorts of questions came from all over the place as he answered. "The Gods are in a meeting right now and won't be able to come till sometime later" replied a furious son of Apollo.

"What, are they insane. we need to move him now, you said so yourself" called out an alarmed daughter of Athena as she was Carding her fingers through her unconscious boyfriend's raven black hair.

Just as all the demigods were starting to show their disappointment, the son of Hades thought something else.

He was determined to save his hero, he hadn't lead all the crew members of Argo II to the Doors of Death and brought the Athena Parthenos along with Reyna and Coach Hedge only to lose him once more. He would do anything in his power to get the boy to recover. He didn't care that Percy didn't return his feelings, he just wanted to make sure he was safe because he knew he wouldn't forgive himself I'd he didn't.

"Nico!! What are you doing? Where are you taking him? Are you insane?" asked an astonished daughter of Athena as she saw Nico moving Percy from his bed to something easier to carry him in, like a stretcher.
"Oh! cut it Annabeth. I don't care if the gods are in a meeting or if they are in a battle, Percy deserves to be given proper help. if they don't give it by themselves, than i'll force them to. I just don't care now . The only thing I'm bothered about is Percy now, so please, let me go. If you are willing to help me then you are welcome, otherwise please move out of my way." As Nico practically yelled these words at the other demigods Will, Jason and Leo seemed to have come to their senses as they helped nico to shift him carefully without disrupting the makeshift IVs they had made.
Giving Annabeth a Stygian iron whistle Nico said " I'm going to shadow travel him there, if you want you can call Mrs O'Leary to shadow travel all of you there. And before you go anywhere inform Thalia or else she will skin you alive for not telling her about her favorite cousin."

With that being said Nico transported himself, Jason, Leo, Will and Percy to Olympus.

The other demigods could see that the ghost king was exhausted but were really very glad and indebted to Nico for being Percy's savior.

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