Revelations and Realizations part II

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Nico was astonished to say the least. He didn't know from where Annabeth was coming to this decision of hers. He had finally understood the hidden meaning behind her words and it just got him even more annoyed. But before judging her and jumping to conclusions he had enough respect to clarify the meaning.

"Do you mean to tell me that you want to.... break up......with him?" He couldn't get himself to say those two words, simply because he didn't think that there would be a time when this may happen. Till now he had always felt that they were the golden couple like in those chick-flicks he watched with Bianca when at the casino.

"But why, Annabeth. Everything was going on fine wasn't it?" It wasn't like he was forcing her to be in that relationship because truly he would have jumped at the possibility of Percy being single although he felt deep in his heart that this relationship was what Percy needed, the reason which he found himself begging to Annabeth with his eyes not to break up with the said demigod. Saying these words he was still playing the Sea Price's broken body in front of his eyes.

"It's....It's complicated Nico..."

"In what way Annabeth if you could care to explain." He yelled at the blonde girl.

As soon as the words spilled out of his mouth Annabeth knew that he had misunderstood her.

"You see Nico the reason we both got together to start with was because it was expected of us. The Hero and his girl best friend, disapproving parents. It was an easy way out for us, both of us. We had both lost a mentor, a leader, a hero, a friend when Luke died. We both understood the betrayal and heartbreak we felt and could help each other out when necessary. We were able to understand each other's pain and the depth of hurt we felt."

"So do you tell me that even though you both understand each other so well you couldn't help each other this time around. I am not sure if I understand you." said Nico through grit teeth.

"Tartarus...." she paused a moment trying to push away the memories and horrors from crawling back into her without her permission. "It wasn't the same Nico. It brought back the worst of our fears and worries we kept hid behind our head. It became a frequent reminder of the disappointment we caused to the various people around us. But out of us two it affected Percy more. He had taken the full impact on himself because he didn't want me hurt. And I'm really glad for it because I don't know where I would be if it wasn't him. Anyway... we are both scarred Nico, he more than me which is scary seeing that he is more optimistic than me. He needs someone who will be there for him and who can give him the time of their day, they should be patient and caring and should be able to pick up his millions of broken pieces and put it together slowly piece by piece. Also there are things about him that he is yet to realize and I don't want to be the one to stop that process and keep him from finding his true self."

As Annabeth ranted Nico realized how true she was. Him being a son of Hades had not stopped Tartarus from affecting him and bringing the worst memories. He knew that it would affect even worse for Annabeth and Percy, especially Percy, him being Poseidon's son and all. He also realized that she was extremely brave. Accepting defeat and asking for help takes a lot especially for someone as independent as the daughter of Athena. To be able to accept all this wasn't an easy task. One should be able to let go of their pride to come to terms with this but should have all the more extra courage to say it out loud and he respected her for that.

After a few minutes of silence trying to contemplate all this Nico felt a small feeling rouse in the pit of his stomach. The same one he got when he thought of Bianca or was spending time with Hazel. He had a feeling that this would be the start to a great relationship just as strong as siblings. Overcome by all these feelings and all that had been going on for the past day or two he pulled Annabeth into a tight hug that could only be rivaled by Tyson's hug.


Thalia was searching for Nico and Annabeth. She was furious at the two to have left her out while both of them wandered away. She was waiting eagerly for Percy to wake up. For the years that followed after she became a hunter Percy was one of the few things that was constant in her life that she felt was close to family. Even after she had found Jason, she didn't forget about Percy.

She adored, loved and cared for him. She was one of the few people who knew about Percy's life, she had seen with her eyes how brave he was and looked-up to him. He was the one who had given her a sense of courage even though they were in bad terms on their first quest together at the end she had understood exactly how important Percy was for all of them. Truthfully there was not a single person who didn't like Percy or warm up to him (except for maybe Octavian). She didn't know if it was his loyalty or friendliness or helping nature but whatever it is she prayed to all the gods that they would help him out. Clarisse, herself and even Annabeth weren't exactly a welcoming lot but Percy had convinced them of his worth. Now Percy even had Reyna and Hylla's respect, most of the gods' blessings (including Hades') and most astonishing of all, the hunters acceptance.

The first time after she became a hunter she feared rejection, she felt that she would be mocked by the other hunters for trusting a boy that much after being betrayed by Luke. She felt that they wouldn't accept her for hugging her boy cousin. At the end of the Titan war the other hunters' had accepted and regarded him as a friend for the few times they had to co-ordinate with them. When Percy was lost that was the time she understood that they actually cared for him at the rate they were looking for him.

By the time Thalia's thoughts had come to a stop, she had reached the last place she could think of Annabeth and Nico going, but she was rethinking about it because she knew that both of them avoided each other. Though after she saw the situation there, she started second guessing her judgement about them being enemies or hating each other.

By what she saw previously, both, Nico and Annabeth, were uncomfortable with each other. By what she saw now she understood one thing, however different people may be, when we put aside our differences we can find solace in our company and surroundings. For the first time she saw Nico reveal his emotion and was glad that somebody was able to make a hole in the shell he had created, it would now be easier for them to crack it open, even if it would take a certain sea-green eyed demigod who was lying on the infirmary bed right now to completely bring him out. The root to all their fears and worries brought her back to reality.

"Guys!! Apollo has called for a moment, everybody is waiting for you." If it was a different situation Thalia would certainly comment something humorous to which Annabeth would just retort, but now was not a time for fun and games and she knew that.

At Last i was able to complete the part. I'm sorry for the delay and hope that i will be able to update soon, but i doubt it. Anyway don't forget to comment and vote

I dedicate this story to percicoXD , and PercicoShipper123. I tried to include it in the starting but was only able to add one user. I thank you both for commenting on my story and motivating me.

P.S If you could tell me how to dedicate to multiple users i can change it.....

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