But I was wrong.

I giggled. "Oh-- it's you." I smiled at him. "Mr. Duff 'I'm the one for you' McKagan"

He sighed exasperatedly "Axl's still in the studio, Ana."

I chuckled. "Of course he is. Isn't that where he always is?"

I continued on, stuttering my words. "But you-- you on the other hand-- you're fucking confusing as all hell."

"What are you talking about Anastasia?" he questioned, looking at me.

I sighed and put my hand over my eyes. The whole entire room was spinning. "You know what I fucking mean, Duff. This whole fucking situation is fucked up-- just like me."

"What do you mean, Ana?" He asked, taking a seat in the chair and watching me intently.

I stared at the ceiling and watched it spin in circles. "Axl's my best friend. He's been there for me since the beginning. He wants me to be his, after all this time... And then there's you. Whenever I'm around you, I have to stop myself from talking to you because I know that I can't fall for you any more then I already have. And one little slip will do it."

I watched Duff run his fingers through his long blonde hair.

"Look Ana. I get it. Your with Axl. I'm sorry I even said anything to you. I just had to know if it was just me. I'll stop, I promise. Easy as that." He said, looking back to me.

"No, Duff. It's not as easy as that. Do you know what it's like to be stuck between two people you care about? It's living hell. It'd be easier if I could go get lost in a crowd somewhere so no one could ever find me again--like I never existed. It'd be easier that way."

Duff examined my surroundings. 6 empty beer cans, and a halfway drunken handle of vodka.

"Don't say that, Anastasia. You're drunk off your ass." He said, getting up off the couch.

I looked beside me to see the bottle of vodka still in my hand. "I drank your vodka. Hope you don't mind" I giggled, and took a big gulp, only for it to be taken away by the king of vodka himself.

"Yeah well, I don't think you need anymore. You're gonna get sick or hurt yourself" he mumbled, capping it and putting it back in the fridge.

I watched him carefully as he approached me, being to help me up. "You know, this is the second time you've had to take care of me when I'm too drunk to walk." I said, grabbing his hand for stability.

"Yeah." He responded simply, sitting me on the edge of Axl's bed. He helped me out of my shirt and bent down to take me tight work pants off.

"Axl never takes care of me when I'm this fucked up." I said, and Duff didn't answer.

"Lay down, Ana." He instructed, and I did as I was told. I watched carefully as he draped the blankets over me.

"Don't move, I'm gonna go get you some Advil and a glass of water. It'll help with the hangover" he said.

When he came back with them, I attempted to take the pills with a gulp of vodka, (which I had found sitting on the nightstand) but Duff snatched the bottle away from me. He gave me the water instead, and I swallowed the pills whole.

As soon as he was convinced I had taken them, he made for the door.

Just as he was about to shut it closed, I stopped him.

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