Chapter 4-Whatcha Got?

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Chapter 4

Riley, where are you? We're waiting at the truck.
I'm sorry y'all. I had to clean up the arena and do a few other things. I'm fixin' to head outside.
We'll pull around.

Lucas hastily turned his wheel to park in front of the arena doors and waited. "Hey, can we make a food run? Farkles hungry." The genius pronounced.

"Sure Farkle. What do you want?" The running back threw his truck into park and turned around to face his new friends.

Farkle turned to his left to look at Smackle and Maya, after some head nods and grins Maya piped up. "Dairy Twin." They had been friends for so long, their communication was on point.

"Sounds great." He turned to look out the passenger window and saw Riley walking towards them. The brunette looked hot, in her jean shorts and cowboy boots. He tried to focus on her face, and not the fact her long legs were breathtaking. Josh opened the passenger door and jumped out.

"Riles, you got middle seat. I like Lucas and all but, i'd rather not sit that close to him." She laughed.

"Oh, Josh." She climbed into the truck. "He' s completely harmless." Her gorgeous brown eyes looked at Lucas. "Hey, great game tonight. Congrats on the win."

"I had a pretty great cheerleader."

"Come on let's go! At this rate we won't be there till tomorrow morning." Smackle, she was always one to stick to a schedule. The green eyed boy looked at her one more time and grinned then sped off.

"So, by the time we get food, it will be approximately 1:30 before we get to the house. Lucas, can you drive that long?" Girl genius mumbled.

"Yeah. Thanks for asking though Smackle."

"Well, y'all played hard tonight. So, I don't mind driving if you need me to." Smackle pushed again to drive his truck.

"Riles, did you bring the CD?" The blonde rested her chin on her best friend.

"Yeah, it's in my bag."

"CD for what?" Lucas questioned while turning the wheel into the Dairy Twin drive thru.

"Oh, Luke you're such a newb. But, I like you anyways." Lucas chuckled at Maya's phrasing. "The CD is what we'll listen to when we go out on the boat. Riley has a gift, she always makes the best music mix."

"Lookin' forward to it." He cracked a smile at the cheerleader and it made her blush.


"Hey, Josh." Lucas whispered, because everyone was asleep. "How much longer do we have?"

"About 10 minutes." He yawned, when Riley's head rolled onto his arm. The running back glanced down to look at her and couldn't help but smile. She looked so beautiful, the moonlight would catch her skin every once and awhile, which made her seem angelic. "Luke, this house right there. Pull into the driveway. He slowly pulled in and turned off the ignition. "Everyone up! We're here."

"Thanks honey, for the sweet wakeup call. You're a doll." The blonde began to stretch and blew a kiss to her boyfriend. The brunette started to rouse and eventually opened her eyes.

"Hi." She whispered, caught off guard by his eyes.

"Hey pretty lady."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep on you." Everyone evacuated the truck.

"Don't apologize. My arm's available anytime." Riley eventually rolled off of his shoulder, which Lucas wasn't too happy about. The beautiful stained glass door was already open with Maya's parents waiting.

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