This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 10

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He scoffed at me. “It was quite pleasant. At least I was far away from you.”

I stared at him in silence for a while. “Ha-ha-ha. Very fucking funny. Glad you’re awake bro.”

“Yea, someone has to look after you. Who better than me?”

“Yea whatever. But how are you really feeling?” I said sitting down on the chair again.

“Hungry, and like a truck rode over me.” he winced as he touched his head.

“Well you were knocked over by a car.” I said stating the obvious. “Wait here, I’ll call John and Vanessa to tell them you’re awake.”

“Where am I possibly going to be running to? My leg hurts like fuck.” He said bluntly.

I ignored him and walked out of the room. I called Vanessa and told her what had happened. She was more than happy and said she’d call John as soon as she hung up.

It was the middle of the night and I didn’t want to wake Blake and Sharon up. They’ve helped us so much already, so I just sent Blake a simple text message.

I bought myself another coffee since my other one was finished and at the same time bought a cupcake for Skye. I laughed mischievously on the inside. Serves him right, he was being a major douche, so a cupcake was all he was going to get.

~Skye's POV~

I tried sitting up straight on the bed. I winced as a sharp pain shot through my leg. After my goal was accomplished, I sat on the bed and waited. Where the hell was Sam? I was fucking hungry.

Speak of the little Devil I thought as Sam came waltzing into the room sipping on some coffee. Where was my food? I haven’t eaten for two days and this idiot refused to feed me?

“Where’s my food?” I said glaring at him.

“You don’t even bother to notice my presence. You’re more concerned that your damn food isn’t here.” he said throwing a cupcake at me.

“This was all I got? One lousy cupcake? Not even something to wash it down with? And I called this jerk my brother.

Sam and I kept arguing about my food and health until we heard a knock at the door. We both turned our heads to see who it was. Vanessa was standing next to John with tear-filled eyes. I was happy to see them, but I was even happier to see Vanessa with a parcel in her hand. I seriously hoped it was food.

“We’re so happy to see that you’re awake son.” John said walking over to me. He called me son. Not even my own dad called me that. Now I felt bad about still calling him John. But what else was I supposed to call him?

I smiled at him. “Yea, I feel like I’ve been through hell and back.”

“It’s understandable.” He said sitting on the nearby sofa.

Vanessa walked over to my side and gently patted my shoulder. “I’ve been praying every night for your recovery. Thank God you’re okay.”

She started tearing up again. I found out about a week after we moved that Vanessa was a bit religious. Not insanely though, and that was good.

“Thanks Vanessa.” I smiled at her, but I still couldn’t keep my eyes off the parcel.

“Oh here, I got you some food to eat, lasagna, and some clean clothes. I figured you’d hate walking around in this hospital gown.” She sad putting the things on the table beside me.

I reached over and grabbed the container with the food in it. My eyes lit up with glee. Food!

Damn, she really knew me well enough to know my likes and dislikes. My parents barely paid attention to anything I did. I wasn’t saying that they didn’t love me; it’s just that with Vanessa and John, I can see they genuinely care.

This is Definitely Not Love...Right? [BoyxBoy]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя