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Starscream slapped the decepticon onto the floor and screamed, "Where is she?! Find her! She is the only thing that leads to the AllSpark! That Mark on her is the only connection!" He began walking around back and forth in the room, enraged and annoyed as Soundwave watched him.

The decepticon on the floor got up. "But Commander Starscream....I mean my Lord, we have search everywhere in the ship. She must have escaped."

Starscream stopped pacing himself back and forth, more anger boiled inside of him. He turned around, angrily approaching the decepticon trooper. "This is a fragging ship! There is nowhere to escape!" He raised his hand about to hit him again.

The decepticon stepped back down fearfully, "Wait, my lord! Wha- What if an Autobot came and rescued her?"

Starscream stopped himself from hurting the decepticon. "Nonsense! Thats impossible!" He glared at the decepticon, circling him. "The Autobots don't know our ship's location!"

"STARSCREAM!" A loud voice shouted behind him.

 Starscream turned around where the voice lead and pulled a scowl. "WHAT!?" But he then whimpered  when he saw the mech standing before him, casting him an angry gaze. "My....Lor- Lord Megatron...."

Megatron raised his armed gun towards the Seeker, "Tell me, Starscream why should I keep you alive?" 

"Master, please! I beg you for mercy!" Starscream kneeled down before him. "It- it was the Autobot who made me do it! Please master, have mercy!" 

"Pathletic." Megatron said, pulling back his gun off the seeker and focus his gaze on the decepticon who he can only trust on. "Soundwave, how are the energon mines?"

"Doing well, my lord however the miners did find..." Soundwave trailed off looking at Starscream who was listening closely.

 Megatron noticed and looked at one of the Decepticon troopers. "You there." He pointed at him. "Keep a sharp eye on our seeker and make him feel...comfortable." And with that order, Megatron glanced at Starscream with a smirk and left the room with Soundwave.

The trooper looked at Starscream and pointed his gun at him.

"Scrap." Starscream mumbled.


"As you were saying Soundwave?" Megatron raised a brow as he and Soundwave walked down the hall of the ship.

"The miners found...a unusual source of energon, master." Soundwave said as he turned a right.

Megatron followed on, "Unusual energon?" 

Soundwave nodded and entered the lab where a red decepticon bot laid working. "Knockout, show him."

The red Decepticon smirked and walked to a huge metal container, "You could be surprised, my Lord Megatron. This is stuff we shouldn't be handling." He opened it and there showing was a huge purple energon  stack.

"Excellent." Megatron smiled. "Dark engeron."

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