Paul: What

Craig: She took NUDE pictures not under Marcus's consent.

Ariela: Daddy I..

Paul: Cut the bullshit Mary. Are you crazy? You know King crazy and you disrespecting him like that. I am surprised you still alive. You are not too grown for an ass whooping from me.

Ariela: Papi I am 24 years old. I have a life. I work for my shit and I raise children.

Paul: Remember when you were sixteen and you where watched 24/7?

Ariela: Yes

Paul: I am calling your job and you are going on a break. since you want to act stupid and do stupid shit like what you did. Then you can be on lockdown at 24 years old.

Ariela: It was just fucking pictures. You can''t even do this Papi. I can leave my house if I want to. I am grown.

Paul: Swear at me again Ariela. Do it again. I know you mother wouldn't want you taking them pictures though. In front of strangers and having it published.

Ariela: Dont bring Ma into this. I am done with this conversation now. By dad. Tend to your pregnant wife and dont bother my life.

Paul: Cut off ya balls Ariela. Bye,

*End of Phone Call*

"I fucking hate you Craig. I hope your dick burns off. Bye. I got kids to take care of. Dont be having nasty hoes in this house when my neice is here." I said. I didn't even wait for his reply and just left. Him and my dad be on that bullshit. I am a grown ass woman and everyone needs to understand that shit.

Eric POV

Do I feel bad for beating Ashley's ass? HELL NO! Bitch deserves it. Keeping my daughter in a nasty ass house like that while she be on drugs and shit. Her mother wasnt even there and I know that nobody gave custody to Ashley. I am just so pissed I didn't even sleep last night. Maria is soon going to be 13 and she is looking too old for her age.

"Daddy, I am going out with some friends tonight. Is that ok?" Maria asked coming and sitting next to me. I am so happy to be back to being a parent and am so happy to have her home and with Carin.

"Ha nope. I don't know what your mother let you do but that ends today. If I do not know your friends, you may not go with them. You can chill with your cousins." I said straight forward. Her face dropped and she started pouting. I shook my head no.

"I don't even know my cousins." She said. That is true. We need a big cookout for the fam.

"You will soon baby girl. But for now, either intoduce me to your friends or forever be in this house." I said. She screamed in fustrating and got up.

"Don't be screaming like that Maria. You should know better." I said. She sighed and walked back to her room. Dealing with a teenager is so much more different than a little girl. I got to make sure she not going out with boys and she don't go and get pregnant and she stays pure. God I need help. Carin came over and sat on my lap.

"Babes, you should let Maria go out with her friends." She said in to my neck. I just knew Maria would get to Carin.

"Carin, no can do baby. Sorry." I said kissing her head. She lifted her head and made her face look sad.

"But Eriiiic." she whined. I sucked my teeth and looked away. she won't be getting her way this time.

"You are such an ass and that is why you are getting none of this ass. She has been through alot you dont even know. Let her just relax. Got damn." She said. I looked at her and sighed. I guess she is right but Maria is still not leaving tonight.

"What you mean shit I dont know. Are yall not telling me something that I probably should know that would cause me to cut a nigga?" I asked. She looked anywhere other than my eyes. She hopped up and went to the kitchen.

"What do you want for lunch? I was thinking turkey sandwiches. That sounds good don't you think" She said. She always talks fast when she is nervous. I got up and went to the kitchen. I put my arms around her waist making sure my grip was tight enough for her not to leave.

"We keeping secrets now?' I asked. She shook her head no.

"I am not keeping secrets from you. I am under girl code babe. I promised." She said.

"Well im that nigga that don't give a fuck so spill it out." I said calmly. She didnt say anything and I am starting to become very impatient.

"Maria! Get over here!." I yelled from the kitchen. I heard feet and then she appeared. She looked confused.

"What do you and Carin know that I dont." I asked letting Carin go. Maria stayed quiet and looked down. I stood there patiently.

"I...uh...Ashley...Uh" She stuttered.


Small chapter. I didn't want to go to sleep with out updating at least a small chapter.

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