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I sat there and drew him.
Why did I have that dream? I didn't even believe in Satan!
I sighed as the bell rang.
I walked to the bus and got on.
Why is it bothering me so much? Weird dreams happen right?
Bunni got on and sat near me "So how was school?"
I shrugged "Same as it was at lunch. I only had two classes after it."
He smiled "Still, I want to make sure you're good."
I blushed.
Both him and Lucas came off as really flirty.
I sighed "I had a really weird dream before lunch" I admitted.
He nodded "About?"
"Lucifer" I answered and pulled out my drawing "He looked like this in it."
His face lit up "You talked to Satan??"
I smiled softly.
Most people would've freaked and made fun of me but Bunni was different.
"Maybe he has a plan for you?" He suggested.
I shrugged and sighed "It was really weird Bunni."
He smiled "I'll help you figure this out. My friend and I have been satanists for a while now. She's more of a researchy person."
I smiled "Thanks Bunni."
We got off and we said our goodbyes.

As soon I walked in my mom pounced "so how many friends do you have?"
"Five" I told her, counting all the people I was introduced to.
She smiled "Are they all of Christian faith?"
"Yes" I lied "One lives on this street too."
She frowned "The only person your age is a boy by the birth name of Alexander but he goes by a ridiculous name. He's a satanists so I'm assuming you're not referring to him."
I shook my head "My friends name in Bunni."
She sighed "That boy's poison. He's got the same evil spirit as your father."
I frowned.
How could she bring him up? She won't even tell me who he is!!
"Don't compare Bunni to your one night stand" I growled as I went to my room.
What was her problem??

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