D-day (Part 1)

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The smell of fabric softener on the clothes filled up the room. A piece of cloth on the hanger caught my attention. I took it and caressed it like a baby. It's a beautiful red coloured jersey with strips of white on the side. A jersey with my name on it, which supposed to be worn today. Looks like it will never be worn after this. What a shame.

I put the jersey away and picked a turquoise coloured tee with white quarter sleeve and a pair of dark brown khakis. My shoulder-length hair was left untied on purpose.

"Hurry up, Yuki! The bus is going to leave without us. Or do you want to go there by feet?" Lily shouted from outside. I'm lucky enough to have her come along with me, despite the examination she'll be having next week. I must show my appreciation to her at least.

"Wait a minute!" I hurriedly packed my things and headed outside. We scrambled down the stairs.

"My umbrella!" I dashed upstairs again.

"Great, Yuki."


"Wow, what a crowd!"

Indeed. It's surprising to see this much people watching basketball game with the fact that it is held outdoors. There are no seat and roof and whatsoever so people have to side on the ground under the blazing sun, and that includes us. I wonder how the players will cope with this situation. The organizer should really reconsider giving a gym instead. Or maybe they can use the gym at our college.

"Sheesh. Just what is the wrong with the organizer?"

"Did you say something?" Lily looked at me confusedly.

"Nothing. It's just too hot out here I feel like dying."

We chose a place under a tree which is quite far but not that far from the court. I saw Sapphire team at the player's tent. If only I play.. Ah forget it.

It looks like the man and woman team will be taking turns to use the court as there's only one court here.

The game started on time. Team after team performed their best to win. It's really motivating to see them play with their all to get the ball into the basket. All I can do is being amazed by their moves and techniques while Lily was screaming like crazy whenever the ball gets in or someone blocks it from getting in. That girl is enthusiastic as always. Maybe she should try playing too someday.

"Hi there. Do you mind if I join you girls?" Our attention was distracted when suddenly a guy approached us.The four-eyed smiley face asked.

I turned to Lily who was grinning like a Cheshire cat to ask her using telepathy on whether to let him sit or not but I could see that it was useless since she already made her move.

"Sure, I need to see my friend over there for a while so why don't you accompany this poor little girl for me? See you later. Take good care of her okay!" And off she went.

That girl!

"So you really aren't going to play today." The man said after taking his place beside me. I couldn't say whether it is statement or a question.

"I guess so." I let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't do anything for you, Miyuki."

"It's okay. It's not your fault."

Silent fell on us after that. Only the cheering sound from the crowds filled the space, and my heartbeat. My eyes were fixed to the court while my mind was busy thinking of anything to break the awkward silence between us.

"By the way, what's that?"

I looked to where the man pointed, and it is a bag which I was hugging all this time without me noticing.

Shoot! How did I forgot?

"Um.. This.." It's the honey soaked lemon that I prepared this morning. Should I give it to him or not?

"It's nothing."

What is the wrong with me???? Why did I said that? I just wasted my once in a lifetime opportunity.  

"Well, I need to go warm up now. My game is after this. Wish me luck." He got up and began to walk away. 

I watched him go as he's getting further and further away from me. Arghh this is so stupid!

"Akira-senpai!" I pulled the end of his jersey and thrust the bag to his hand before running away like a retarded donkey.


A pack of girls who were mingling around under the player's tent saw the scene of a particular girl and a particular guy not far away from them.

"I'll make that btch suffer." 



So how should I put this :/

First of all, I'm deeply sorry for not updating in such a looong time. Gomennasai!!

I don't want to give excuses but what I can say is that second semester was and is unbelievably packed with activities that I could not make time to write. I'm also having my own problem that I need to deal with.  

So yeah. 

Thank you so much for supporting me all this time. I love you guys so much \ > 3 < /


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