Entry 008

39 8 0

Dear diary,

Why can't I be good at sport?? I can't even shoot a single ball into the damn basket. Not just that. I don't know how to dribble. And when they talk about this and that techniques I was like 'what the hell is that?'. Lay up. Double. Fast break. Screen. Shit.

All the other players are so very good. And they looked at me like I'm a worm struggling its way from beneath the earth. How can I be selected if it continues like this? I want to be in the team. I want to play basketball.

I know! Since my evenings are all free, I can practice by myself. I'll buy a ball tomorrow then we can start practicing! There's two weeks before the selection day. I still got time. You can do it, Miyuki!! Fighting!!!

If I can make at least five successful shot on the first day, ten on the second day and on and on, by the fourteenth day I'll be a pro already. Then they'll see this little worm emerges into a butterfly. Wait a minute. That's caterpillar. Ah great. Now I can't even get my science right.The side effect for hitting a ball on your head sure is slow appearing.


Sorry guys, I'm having a bad day today. Words seems to stuck in my mind and not on the laptop. I'm so not in the mood to write. So I'll stop here for today.


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