Entry 006

48 7 3

Asdgshgjhgkgfs!!!!!!!!!! I made the biggest mistake in my life. Ever. I'm so stupid!! I should've investigate first before doing something.

I'm crying internally now. Not really internally as one or two drops of the liquid water actually escaped my tear ducts.

It was like this, I went to the hall today for the clubs and societies membership registration. I joined three clubs which is the volunteer club, outdoor activities club and another one which I forgot. Ya, It is a lot but not too much for me. I can still join many more but they won't allow me. They say it will interfere with my study and so on. That's when the problem arise.

It turn out that senpai is in the club that I was hesitating to join or not. But I didn't join because of some reasons. Then, when I returned to my room and scrolled down the facebook and saw his picture in the club's page. And the worst part is he's the president of the club!! Shoes! If I only saw that picture earlier. TT.TT Oh, the club is Red Crescent Society or something.

My mood today was like a wave on the ocean surface during a tsunami with earthquakes on the ocean bed. Maybe because of the hormone. I didn't take breakfast, lunch or dinner. My roommates were so worried about me that they bought me a box of pizza and forced me to eat. With all the efforts they put in, I only managed to eat six slices. What? I'm hungry ok.

They were asking me what's wrong and stuffs. I didn't tell them anything of course. Not in a thousand years. It would be embarrassing to tell them such a stupid story like this. I will be laughed at. Especially 'L'. That girl always finds her way to annoy me. But anyway, I still like her. As a friend. I'm not a homo for heaven's sake. Although we go everywhere together and sit next to each other in the lecture hall. And 'A' and 'Z', they are nice to me too. All of us got along quite well. We have party in the room every night with the four of us. Dance party. Minus me, because I don't know how to dance.

There was once when 'A' turned up the music so loud that our neighbours knocked on our door and told us to shut up. We did slow down the volume but only for a second then it returned to the original volume again.

That was fun. I never thought I would get along with people so easily. Thank God. Now I can rest assured that this five years gonna be just fine for me. My course mates also not bad. At least now I can talk to all of them without being awkward. With 'all of them' I mean the girls. Note that.

Ya. So far so good. I could not ask for anything better than this. But wait, there is one thing I can ask. To turn back in time and join the stupid club so that I can see senpai every single day of my pathetic life.

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