Sharing Court

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'It's another training night. Yay. I'm so excited.' I spoke monotonously in my brain as I ran the last lap. After warming up, all the players gathered in the court waiting patiently for orders from the captain. 

"I want you to divide into two groups. As you all know, our tournament is just around the corner. So, tonight we have to share the court with the boys. Please behave yourself."

Ah great. This night cannot get any worse than this.

Oh yes. Why am I so angsty tonight again? Well, you know, it's the time of the month. That's enough to explain this whole situation I guess.

So we started to play like usual until the girls went into an uproar. And I found out the source of it instantly. The boys team entered the court with speed of astronaut on moon. So dramatic. The only thing they've been missing was smoke on the background. So these are the famous basketball guys huh. All they got are muscle and attitude. And they look scary too. Like delinquents. All of them are so tall, like titan but one person. I could barely see him among the team.

That's weird. How can they let someone so small join the team? Well, who am I to judge. The must be  a good reason to it. 

"Who do you think is the captain?" Kaoru whispered.

"How should I know? Why don't you ask me who's the minister of education instead?"

"Come on. Just guess."

"The bald one?"

"No he's not! And he's not bald. He just has very very short hair. There. The short guy over there. He's cute isn't he?" She pointed to the said man as he emerged from the pack. 






"Oh no! I'm so sweaty and smelly!"

"Me too! I'm so ashamed." The other girl from the group whined. 

"I'm going to the restroom, girls. Anyone else want to join me?"

"Let's go!!" All the other girls answered in unison. And off they went. Now I'm all alone at the side of the gym, making the best out of the time while watching some Youtube video of leg surgery and stuffs.

Sigh. Everyone become extra weird tonight because of the boys. Why become so insecure out of sudden? It's not like they come here to watch us play. 



"What?" I raise my head to see the one who dare to disturb me in the middle of meditation. "Can't you see I-  S-senpai?" 

The man smiles the usual smile which make my face turned red. "Sorry to disturb you. Can I sit here?"


"So how's your head?"

"It's better. Thanks to you."

"No problem."

Then we both went silent.

"You never told me you play basketball." I said in a bit angry tone.

"You never asked." He replied playfully.

"That's unfair." I said in disappointment. Just how many things that I don't know about this guy? And the fact that he's the captain.. He must be making fun of me all this time. 

"Excuse me, I need to go somewhere." I got up and stepped on my heels to leave. 



This is it. I must succeed tonight. I must clear my mind from everything that happened before and do it. If not all my hard work all this time will be worthless. I cannot drag it anymore. 

"It's between you and me now." I look daggers to the hoop as if it's my worst enemy.

I took my position. Hands in the air. Target locked. Jump. And.. Shoot!


The ball bounced slower and slower under the net until it stopped. 

"Yesss!!! I did it!! I did it finally!!" I screamed on top of my lungs and leaped up and down like a retard. I don't care anymore. 

I just did a three point shot. Freaking three point shot! 

"Wait until they see this shot. We'll see  who's laughing after this." I broke into an evil laugh. 

"Hahaha!! That was funny." 

My whole body froze. There's somebody else in this gym besides me. But it was this late already. Everyone should be back to their room by now. I know that voice. So well. I turned to the source of the voice slowly. The man was still laughing his ass off. 

"Hey, enough already, senpai." I uttered. I could feel heat emitting from my face. I can't decide whether I'm embarrassed or annoyed right now.

"Sorry. But I must admit that that shot is pretty cool." Akira-senpai said after he collected himself, which taken quite some time.

"Since when you've been here?"


"How much did you see?"


That word fell on my like a concrete. I buried my face into my palms and squatted on the floor like a kid. Why is the world so mean to me? Why must he see that embarrassing thing? I want to disappear right this second.

"Miyuki, please don't cry. I'm sorry. I'll forget what I saw, okay?" Akira-senpai took the spot in front of me.

"I'm not crying."

"Thank God."

"But I'm still mad at you."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't laugh at you."

"Not just that. You shouldn't even be here, peeking at my practice."

"Yeah. Sorry."

"And not telling me about you play basketball. And-"

"Fine, I get it. I'm sorry okay. What should I do to obtain your forgiveness?"

Now it's my time for revenge. 

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