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I frowned when I felt the emptiness in the bed. I looked over, seeing the covers messy and wrinkled. I sat up straight, running a hand through my red hair.
Thetys and Quinn were asleep. I looked at the time, realizing it was eight in the morning. We had to go to school! Never thought I'd say that again. I got up, running to the bathroom, but stopped when I saw Cole leaning over the toilet.
I rushed to his side, placing a hand on his back as he continued to throw up.
"Cole, what's wrong?" I asked, concerned.
"N-nothing, Sugar. I'm perfect." He croaked, his head still dipped in the toilet. I wet a wash cloth with warm water, handing it to him. "I'm good, I'm good." He repeated once more.
I placed a hand on his forehead, causing him to recoil. I sighed, taking his arm and leading him to the bed, where I laid him down and pulled the covers up on him.
"I have to go to the school." I say, brushing his arm with my hands.
"Stay with me." He groaned, pulling my hand up to his face. "Never mind, don't want you getting sick..." He gave my hand back in realization.
I smiled reassuringly, going to my duffel bag to find a suitable outfit for a school girl. I put on a red flannel, converses, skinny jeans, and a green sleeveless jacket. I examined myself real quick, running up to Jemma's side to wake her up.
"I'm sleeping!" She screeched, throwing a pillow my way.
"Get the hell up! We have to meet Achilles today." I reminded, poking her shoulder.
"Ooh, boy?" She sat up straight, grinning at me.
"Boy who has a girlfriend." I reply, smirking. Jemma groaned, going in the bathroom to change. She walked out in a black sweater, beanie, and vans.
"What about Quinn?" She asks, concern dripping in her voice.
"Nah. She has been dealing a lot with Eliza and all, let her sleep." I wave it off. And we leave.
We walked down the hallways of the school, the office being our first choice. I walked up to the secretary, knocking my knuckles on the desk.
"May I help you ladies today?" The secretary asked. I smiled politely.
"Yes, we're looking for Achilles Skylar." I asked, stopping the tapping when she glared at my hands.
"He's... Not here today, sorry." The secretary apologized. I refrained myself from stomping my foot like a toddler.
"WOO PARTY AT MY PLACE! EVERYONES WELCOME! WOO!" A voice screamed behind us. I turned to see a teen boy running around waving papers everywhere. He peeked his head in, scanning me and Jemma carefully. "Sup ladies. Come to my party, here ya go-" he handed us two flyers.
"JEREMY TERRACE!" The secretary disappeared. I looked at the address, and smiled.
"We're going to this party." I smirked.

Second to last chapter! Then, the second book! Yay! Don't worry, Aricole will be in the next book.

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