Coles Dad

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Being a... Mermaid, sucked. Okay, I'm lying. It was fun, but hard. I had to move my body a certain way, I had to follow the current. Most of the time, I would bump in to Cole on accident, avoiding all the other merpeople.
Cole hung on to my arm, as I swam with him. I tried to mimic the way his tail moved, but Quinn said that mermaids had a different tail movement than mermen.
We swam really deep, descending into the dark ocean. Every so often we'd pass a dolphin or a mermaid. But in the distance, a large city of coral caught my eye. Not to mention the giant castle. It seems the little mermaid got it right. It was tinted gold, and was glowing.
As we came to a big arch, where mermaids and Naiads (don't ask me how I know, I just do) waited for us. One with bleach like hair and a green tail came up to us, motioning us over to follow her into the castle.
I have been holding my breath for such a long time, I though I was gonna die.
Cole looked over to me, and laughed. "You don't have to hold your breath, silly. You can breath under water."
"If I die, its your fault." I pointed at his shoulder, pushing a bit. I gasped, covering my mouth before any more water could come in. But it was still dry. I was perfectly fine. "What!? I though mermaids couldn't talk under water!"
"They can, Naiads can't." Cole corrected. I let that sink in. I passed by all the naiads, following the mermaid with the bleached hair. All the naiads were beautiful. So were the sirens(again, I don't know how I could have pointed that out).
The girl with the bleached hair stopped, and turned towards us. She scanned each one of us.
"We're pretty full today. Eliza, Cole, you may enter." She said. Her accent was thick, and British. I bit my cheek from giggling.
"Thank you, Selia. But one more exception please. Make that two. Ariadne needs her guardian." Cole replied.
Selia shifted uneasily, flipping the papers with her pointer finger anxiously.
"Prince Cole, I'm sorry, but it's my job. I can't allow-"
"Selia, it's my job as future ruler to assure the safety of the kingdom. Let it go." Cole responded in the same tone as she.
Selia let out a huff of annoyance, crossing her arms and leading us away. I glanced behind me, seeing Jemma sitting on a rock with some other dude.
I followed Cole into the castle, the entrance brighter then the outside. Selia paused again, and went into the other room while the rest of us stayed here in silence.
"Is your dad angry like Neptune?" I asked, tugging on Coles arm.
Cole chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. "Not really. He's a teddy bear if you ask me."
I bit my tongue from laughing. I let my fingers brush the periwinkle scales on my tail. As if Cole seemed to notice, he lightly smacked my hand away.
"Don't do that, it's bad for new tails," he demanded in a low whisper. "And don't act so disgusted. This is who you are, enjoy it. Not many sirens are granted with the gift-"
"Cole Olympian! Eliza!" A voice boomed in the shadows under another arch. A man, who may I say looked exactly like Cole, came out from the shadows of a doorway. He had Coles black hair, and his very white skin. But he had sea green eyes. Cole had electric blue.
"King Posiedon, it is my pleasure." Quinn's face turned red, and she bowed down respectively, and Posiedon gave that familiar smirk. Very familiar.
"The pleasure is mine, Quincy Nero." Posiedon said in response. Standing beside him was Selia, still flipping the pages anxiously.
Posiedons sea green eyes scanned us, the way Selias did. He stopped at Cole, and they narrowed.
"I thought I told you not to come back." Posiedons eyes darkened.
"Well I told you I wasn't going to give up. I don't need your help." Cole replied hastily. Big teddy bear, huh?
"You could live with your mother. I'll find another dynasty willing to replace you." Posiedon crossed his arms over his chest. I felt awkward standing here on their conversation.
"You know what, forget about it. I'm pretty sure mom will help me anyway." Cole snapped, turning around and walk-swimming away. Not to mention grabbing me and Eliza's arms.
Posiedons gaze lifted from Cole, moving to me.
"Let her stay. I want a word." Posiedon commanded, stopping Cole in his tracks. Cole glanced around, and I followed his gaze to some mermaids with sharp spears in the corner of the room, waiting to attack if nessesary.
He brought his mouth close to my ear. "Don't give into him. He may be a teddy bear, but he's strong." He whispered. I nodded quietly, and gulped.
I wa- swam. I swam to Posiedon, following by his side, not to mentions Selias, into the doorway he came from. We swam down the corridor, passing rooms with different names on them.
Finally we stopped at one, and he opened the door, and gestured me inside. I went inside and sat down on an armchair.
The room was decorated with a variety of seashells, and sea glass. There was a coffee machine in the corner of the room. Do mermaids drink coffee? I prefer hot chocolate.
Posiedon sat across from me in another arm chair. Due to his large size, he made it squeak as he sat down.
"What is your name?" He asked.
"Uh, Ariadne River Bayou." I said. Stupid! You told him your whole name! Now he's going to go to Ursela and make her turn you into kelp! I thought.
"Ariadne, do you know why many people call you Aria? Such as Cole, Jemma, Thetys, and Quinn?" He questioned, furrowing his eyebrows. I almost forgot about Thetys.
"Well, do you understand Greek?"
"Sometimes..." I admitted, playing with my fingers.
"Aria in Greek means solo singer. You know why people call you a solo singer?" He asks, arching an eyebrow.
"No." I answer again. What does solo singer have to do anything with me?
"Your a siren, the blessed one, aren't you?" He asks, leaning in. I shrug. I know, I don't have an actual answer. No one has given me a straight answer in the past week, I deserve to know. "I'll explain, I suppose that's why Cole brought you here, huh?"
"I just want some answers. I've been dragged around, I've been pushed into water when I couldn't clearly swim, I've been told by some weirdo I was blessed, then I almost get kidnapped! Not to mention my brother, not being my brother! Then, he still wants to be my brother. This doesn't make sense." I burst. There's the balloon waiting to pop. No one knows how long I've been keeping this bottled up.
"I'll answer your questions, dear." He said, trying to calm me down. "I suppose I should start at the very beginning?" I nodded my head, wanting to know what the hell was going on. "It started March 29th, it was the spring equinox. Cole was two, and Selia was born. They're siblings. That's when it happened, Oceanus, the ocean Titan, they used to above us, but now their not. Oceanus was being out of control with his moods, and Rhea, Kronos's wife. Kronos was the Titan God, by the way. Rhea went to Zeus, the king of the Gods, and complained that something was off balance between the underworld, heavens, and oceans. Three children, were blessed by the creatures of each realm. You, were blessed by this realm. Then there's a boy, he's unknown, but he's blessed by the sky realm. Then finally, another girl, blessed by the underworld realm. All three must come together to resolve the Impact they have on all three realms of the gods. You, Ariadne, are the key to all three. You must stop the gods from going into war, before its to late." He explained.
I stared at him intently, examining his familiar features again. "What?" I asked, not understanding any of this. Posiedon rubbed his hands down his face.
"All you have to know is everything is not as it seems! People want to kill, and your parents, are not your parents. Your friends, are not your friends. And obviously as you may know, your brother isn't your brother. This is all a setup. An illusion created when you were an infant to distract you from what was happening until you were ready." He exclaimed.
I sucked on my lower lip. This was a lot to take in. My friends weren't my friends? That made no sense.
Suddenly, thunder roared outside the window. And I had a feeling in my gut something was wrong.
"The others, they awaken from their illusion soon. You have to leave. You have to find them." Posiedon demanded. I got up, almost forgetting I had a tail. I swam out the door, bumping in to Cole along the way. He grunted, scratching the back of his neck.
"There's about to be a thunderstorm we have to go." He said. I nodded as he began to swim off.
Posiedon grabbed my arm, yanking me back.
"The first one is in Austrailia. The blessed of the heavens. Find him, he'll lead you to the second." Posiedon said. I nodded, swimming away to meet Cole.
I was probably going to take a long nap when I got back to human form.
So there's your clues for the next books!
I actually didn't plan this before, but now it seems like a good idea. So yes. Ooh! IMPORTANT QUESTION---
How about a contest?
Yes, I know. I am just feeling really lazy and I am no shake sphere, I just need a prophecy. Like the ones from Percy Jackson. So yes, something about the three children of the realms. So yes. There you go. Have a nice day.

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