sirens blessing

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Cole gave me an angry look, and crossed his arms.
"How could you worry us so much? We thought someone kidnapped you," he chided. I rolled my eyes, and did a simple shrug.
"I thought I told you to lay of my sister, man!" Jessie accused, pointing at Cole. Cole pursed his chapped lips. This guy always looks so thirsty, and dry. Does he ever get a drink?

"Jess, calm down." I yank on his arm, and it has no effect.

"Aria, you have to come with us.... He's here, and he'll get you." Cole whispered.

"You know, cole. Drugs isn't a good thing. Their not good for you." I said. Cole rolled his eyes, and right then, Eliza, Jemma, and Quinn came in. I glared at the two, Eliza and Quinn.

"You kidnapped my best friend!?" I gasped, pulling Jemma next to me.

"Awh, you called me your best friend for the first time." Jemma gushed. I rolled my eyes, as she hugged my side. Cole ran a hand through his black Raven hair.
"Quinn, as her siren guardian, it's best you explain." Eliza crossed her arms, and gave Quinn a long glare.
"What!? Your the siren queen! She'll hate me forever!" Quinn exclaimed. I highly doubt that. Eliza motioned her to me.
"Jessie, I need a word with your sister." Quinn stated as she pulled me aside.
"Your a siren."
I furrowed my eyebrows-until it hit me. I still didn't believe her, but I finally understood what she was saying. A siren, was a mythical sea female creature who sang. I never been able to sing... But that didn't matter. I still didn't believe her, or them, and I never will.
"You mean the ones that sing... And lead people to their doom? Yeah... I don't believe you." I voiced out my thoughts. Quinn bit her lip, looking down.
"You have to believe us eventually... They'll get you if you don't." She warned, concern in her silver eyes.
"Why don't you guys get it? I know what you people are, and I don't feel like getting caught up in your stupid Greek world. I want to stay mortal- so just- uhg! άσε με την κόλαση και μόνο!" I screamed, running a hand through my hair. Quinn bounced on her heels, and smiled happily.
"You did it! Cole was right-your the one!" She squeaked.
"Did what?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.
"You spoke Greek! You said leave me the hell alone in Greek!" She grabbed me in a hug, and I froze. I didn't speak Greek, did I? I didn't intend to, anyway. "See, and you didn't believe me."
I hurriedly got of her grasp, and crossed my arms.
"That doesn't prove anything. There's people who speak French and never learned the language." I replied. Okay, I know, I probably sound like a bitch.
"Uh huh, I highly doubt that." Quinn smirked, bouncing on her heels again.
"Whatever. Jessie, lets exit the perimeter in style." I grabbed Jessie's sleeve, and tried to pull him out the mall doors, but he stayed still.
"Stay, Aria, stay..." He muttered, as he wrapped his arm around my neck and pulled me closer to him. His blue eyes were foggy, and he was trained on Eliza.
"Don't you dare ruin your cover, Thetys." Eliza warned, pointing an accusing finger at him. Thetys? Thetys was Jessie's middle name... Even though he never told me what it meant.
"Don't point those fingers at me, child. I am your father." Jessie growled, swatting her finger away.
"THETYS! Why did you- UHG! You ruined it!" Eliza stomped her foot like an angry toddler. I face palmed myself, about to explode by all the confusion in my head.
"Eliza... Thetys... Stop." Cole started towards him, a stern look on his face.
"No point in stopping now! He already said it aloud!" Eliza stomped her foot again.
"Eliza xerlious Olympious, do not use that tone, young lady." Jessie snarled. I let out a long groan as I watched the two argue. What was happening? Everyone I know is just weird. From the corner of my eye, I see Jemma skipping out of Forever 21, with bags of clothes in her hands.
She looked at me, flicking her blonde curly hair back. She waved me over, and I just followed. I had nothing better to do.
"Your brother is hot." She gasped, looking over her shoulder to Jessie- or Thetys. I rolled my green eyes, shoving my hands in my pockets. "Why so down? And when's the last time you went shopping? No offense, but you look like you went shopping in a thrift shop with Macklemore."
I looked down at my lame paramores sweater and leggings with Uggs. Yes, I know. I have such a bad taste in clothes. I followed Jemma around the mall, until we stopped at an Old Navy. I followed her inside, and she went on her epic search for clothes.
"Do you know what they are?" I asked, looking down at the red blouse Jemma was measuring with me.
"Eliza, Cole, and Quinn?" She asked, looking up to meet my eyes. "Yes. I'm a mermaid- but also Quinn's little sister."
I couldn't help but smile. How have I not seen it already? Not saying anything offensive, but Jemma always acted strange. She always wanted me by her or by Cole. But what I wondered- was the Vencint thing a set up than? To see if maybe I could do some mystical shit with the water? Vencint isn't here, and she wasn't there the day after my return to school.
"Dont think to hard, Ariadne. Don't hurt that little brain of yours." She laughed, tapping my head.
We walked up to the counter to pay for the clothes, and left. Cole stood outside, arms crossed. He looked upset, but softened when he saw Jemma.
"Just because your Quinn's sister doesn't mean you can steal Ariadne from us." He looked pissed.
I placed my hands in my jean pockets. Never knew Jemma was one of those fashion freaks. I now wore a red blouse, a nice southern hat, and skinny jeans with sandles. We began to walk back to the food court- and the man was gone. Maybe his shift was over. But something felt wrong, but I kept quiet.
"He not here..." I murmured to myself, frowning a little. Something inside of me felt like it was somehow very wrong. And something bad was going to happen.
"Who? What he? He's still here, I know it." Cole grumbled.
"Isn't it obvious, Coley poley? Ariadne's crush, duh! Cheeses rice, pay attention." Jemma joked, patting Cole on the head like a puppy.
"Don't call me that." He snapped.
"The Chikfila guy. He was being all creepy and shit. He started saying I should listen to my savior and go to him. It was weird..." I explained. Cole walked over to Chikfila, me and Jemma following behind like cop back ups.
"Hey mister!" Cole shouted over the corner. Then he peeked behind the employees only door, cocking his head a little when he saw us.
"Children of the sea." He greeted, narrowing his eyes. Cole began pushing me back, while he and Jemma stepped up a little.
"Leave forbidden creature! Or I shall have my father banish you to the depths of tarterous!" Cole threatened. The man looked deadpanned for a moment, than cracked a sly smile.
"He ain't joking, I seen Posiedon angry, you messing with the wrong get tsunami!" Jemma cried, clenching her fists.
"Jemma, stop it." Cole placed his hand on her shoulder with a warning.
"Meh. Let's kill this sucker." Jemma pulled out a knife from her boot, and I had to cover my mouth to restrain myself from screaming.
"What the hell?! Who carries a knife in the mall?" I shouted, snatching the knife away from her.
"Jemma, calm down. She's new, she doesn't understand that he can kill us with out protection." He then aimed his glare at me. I pouted a little, handing back the knife. Cole smirked a little, than started twisting the knife in his fingers.
"You ain't gonna do nothin wit dat ol' thing." Chikfila man snapped, leaning in a little.
"Sure about that, proteus." What's with all the weird names?

Proteus the sea God above! /\  So ya

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Proteus the sea God above! /\
So ya... I'd like yur guys reviews. How'd you like it? Just to clarify, Ariadne still doesn't believe she's a siren. She's confused at the moment. So ya.

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