Fishers (part 2)

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I sneaked on to the boat quietly, my katana hanging on my back. I quickly transformed into my natural self again, thanking the gods I was able to do so.
I peeked around, seeing three struggling figures in a net. In a pool. In the middle. Will this day get any worse? Oh, yes it can. Thetys wasn't here, and he wasn't on the boat either.
I took a shaky breath, army crawling to the edge of the pool. Cole frowned when he saw me.
"What, are you not happy I'm here?" I asked sarcastically.
"No. I'm not happy. I told you to stay in the room." He whispered harshly, eyeing me.
"Uh huh. Whatever, let's just leave these suckers." I snarl, jumping in the water below them. I unsheathed my katana, cutting the rope.
Coles tail was already transformed, and so was Quinn and Jemma.
"How'd you transform all by yourself?" Jemma asked, slinging an arm around Quinn's shoulders. I looked down at Jemma's tail, it was bleeding.
I quickly focused my gaze back on the trio, trying to smile. "Thought of water."
"Oh. Good job, must have took-"
"Love. Cole and Aria sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-"
"Ey you!" A thick Australian voice called us. I felt Coles arm wrap around me, and we swam deep in the pool.
"They don't like swimming." Cole said. I nodded, but didn't respond. I felt his arms tighten as the shouting and calling got closer.
"Better get you scrawny bottoms up here or ima come down er me self! Come on, mates!" I tried not to laugh in the water, but I couldn't hold my breath for long.
"Cole... Aria." Jemma pointed to me, my face getting purple. Coles face turned with concern.
"Quinn, Jemma, you guard her while I fight them-"
"I will not allow you to do so! I am the guardian here, your a royal!" Quinn argued. I couldn't hold it anymore. I tapped Cole on the shoulder for a warning.
"Just do as I say!" He demanded, swimming to the top. He set me down on the pavement, where I coughed up a lot of water. I took out my Katana, ready to fight if I need to do so.
Cole only guarded me. I was kind of upset he didn't help Jemma and Quinn. Though they were handling it quite fine. I bit my lip, trying to keep myself from throwing up.
I saw the group of guys getting in closer, forming a circle around us. Cole kept close to me, even though I was still gagging and trying to stop myself from barfing in public.
"Awh, how adorable, Prince Cole. Just hand us The Blessed One." One of them hissed, pulling a gun out of his waistband. My bottom lip trembled, and I stared at the man with pure hatred.
"You ain't gettin her." An arrow plummets through the mans chest, and I gasp as Thetys comes into view. Thetys starts helping the girls take out the other guys while Cole helps me up. I smile with gratefulness.
"I'm so happy." He admits, kissing my forehead.
"Now you are," I smirk. I grab his face and kiss him on the lips, and he kisses back. Cheeses rice, talk about needy.
I feel strong arms pull us apart, and Thetys is glaring at both of us.
"I may allow the boyfriend girlfriend thing, but you two kissing ticks me off." He says. Thetys turns to Cole with a full in I'm so gonna kill you one day look. "Hurt her heart, I hurt your face. Ribs. Lungs. And ass. Got it?" Thetys threatened, poking Coles shoulder.
Cole nodded, trying to hide his smirk. Every fisher was dead. Cole helps me on my feet, pulling me closer to him.
"Have a surprise for you later." He winks. My heart stops, and starts to flutter. I felt heat rush up to my face, and hurriedly distract myself by helping Quinn carry Jemma to the water.
Eh. I know it's short. But I am not righting a whole sex scene, don't worry. But I might add some.... I dunno. Lots of fluff, and they might get dirty. But not sex. I hate porn. Just no.

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