"Thank you, how often would your husband go to The Wave?" Hanji asked first.

"What are you talking about? He never went to that place." Mrs. Johnson responded quickly and looked confused.

"We've heard that he was spotted in that bar the night he drowned, is that not true?" I asked her this time.

"He told me he was working late. I don't know why he was even by water that night. He was supposed to be working." She seemed to be about to cry. So she didn't know about him going there. All the more reason that we need to check that place out.

"Thank you ma'am. That will be all." Hanji said and we swiftly turned around to leave. We need to make a quick stop to that place and find out what he was doing there. The first thing I thought of was that he had been meeting someone there. That's the most likely case.

We were sitting right outside of the club, and I had wanted to get in there and get out but Hanji is persistent about waiting outside until we find something. What we could possibly find by sitting out here, I did not know. While she was watching people enter and leave the place; I was going through the information we have collected. All the victims visited this club. The date and times of their death have no pattern. No other connection to the victims; other than this place, and the way they died. Whatever it is, it has to do with this club. I set down the papers I was looking at.

"Shit!" I shouted and hit the steering wheel. What the hell is Eren doing here? I watched him enter the club.

"What was that about?" Hanji asked me, clueless.

"Eren's here." I told her and exited the vehicle. Why the hell is that brat here? I drove him all the way to his house for this? As I made my way over to the club I calmed myself. It wouldn't be a good idea to walk in there and punch him.

"Eren's here!" Hanji said with enthusiasm as she joined me. "This is a surprise." She said cheerfully.

"Did you tell him where we were?" I asked her. Knowing her as well as I did it wouldn't be that big of a surprise.

"Not at all. I wonder if he even knows we are here though." Hanji said. How the hell did he even get into that place. Isn't he a little too young to be let into places like this? I thought as we finally entered the building. It wasn't hard to spot Eren; he was all by himself sitting as far away from everyone as he possibly could. He spotted me at almost the same time I spotted him and waved to me with a cocky smile on his face. "Hey Levi, maybe I should talk to him, and you can see if you find anything." Hanji offered. I quickly agreed because talking to that brat wasn't on the list of things I wanted to do today. Couldn't he just accept I was trying to help him?!

(Eren's POV)

"Where did Levi go?" I asked Hanji as she approached me. I was really hoping I would be able to tell him about all of the things I learned about my past. Maybe he knew the guy. My mother said that hunters; even the loners, know other hunters that they contact sometimes.

"He's going to be talking to some people. What are you doing here?" She asked me.

"Well I want to help you, and I knew that I couldn't just call you up and ask to join you. So my mother made a few calls and found out where you were. I heard there is a job here." I said nonchalantly, but inside I was excited. There is no way they will send me home this time!

"There is, so that's why you shouldn't be here." She told me.

"Why are you trying so hard not to let me join you? My mother is even fine with it." I told her. The look of shock on her face said it all. "Yes, my mom knows I am here and what I want to do." I told her and crossed my arms, satisfied with the look she was giving me.

"What kind of parent would let their teenaged son do something like this? Have you even graduated high school yet?" The first question upset me, but I wasn't going to let it show. She doesn't know about what happened, and probably doesn't know about my mom and how she helps hunters.

"My mom helps hunters. She told me after Levi dropped me off at my house." I decided I should tell her. Maybe it will help her understand. Since learning about my father's death at the hands of a supernatural being I became more motivated to become a hunter and kill every one of those things I can.

"What do you mean?" Hanji started to get curious.

"She helps hunters that pass by and keeps track of what hunters are taking care of what problem. That's how she knew you were going to be here after talking to a friend of hers." I told her.

"What's your mother's name?" She asked me.

"Carla." I told her. She started jumping up and down once I told her that. Once she calmed down she started inspecting me. Her eyes lit up when she saw the necklace that I decided to start wearing again. It's from an important part of my past, and it felt right to wear it. Hanji then squealed. Should I call an ambulance? Is she having a mental breakdown.

"I can't believe this! Do you remember me?" She asked me. What was that question about? Of course I would remember her; we just saw each other about a week ago.

"What do you mean? The last time I saw you was less than a week ago, so of course I would remember you."

"Not that silly. When you were a little boy. We were the ones who took care of that ghoul. I always remembered that hunt because it was the first time I fell into a grave, and my first broken bone. Levi was so short he could barely get me out of the grave." Hanji broke out laughing and I stood there shocked. That was Hanji and Levi. A shiver went down my spine, but it wasn't a bad thing. "Did Levi give you that necklace?" She asked me.

"Yah, I guess that would have been Levi." I told her. My face heated up at the thought. Maybe Levi isn't that bad after all.

"I can't believe he gave it away. I always thought he just lost it sometime and didn't want me to worry about it. That necklace was very important to him."

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked. How could a small necklace like this one mean a lot to someone?

"It was his mother's." She told me. Oh. I started to blush more. Why would he feel the need to give me something so important to him? "Eren, you should stay here. I'll go talk to Levi and tell him the situation, and make sure he realizes you are now officially part of our group." Hanji winked at me and left to find Levi. This is great. I wonder how Levi will treat me when he finds out he saved me years back.  

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