Ms. Davidson stood as she addressed the class informing them of what they would be covering that year in drama and what she expected from them.

She picked up a light folder, and went to stand over Yugi, "And please for the love of Ra, do not throw things at each other. So if I see you do this," she dropped the light folder onto Yugi's head, "or any rendition of this, you will find yourselves on a one way trip to the principal's office."

Yugi smiled up at the woman as he handed her the folder. The class blinked in astonishment that she would actually drop a folder onto a student's head. Ms. Davidson noticed them staring at her like gaping fish, "Oh don't worry about that," she waved her hand at them, "I know Yugi well. He's put up with me last year so he knows about this class and he knows about me. If you have any questions about this class, he knows the material almost as well as I do, so use him as a resource." A bright blush painted Yugi's cheeks as he smiled at the others in the class. The rest of his drama class and his literature class passed without any events.

The bell rang dismissing the students for lunch. Yugi met up with his group outside under the large oak tree. The tri-colored youth leaned up against the oak tree as he nibbled on his peach.

"So have any of you met the new guy yet?" Tristen asked.

"No not yet. I heard he is quiet and mysterious. Rumors floating around school say he is from some exotic unknown island and doesn't know how to speak," Anzu responded. It didn't surprise the group that she would have the latest in school rumors. Anzu had blue eyes and brown hair that was slightly shorter than her shoulders and was cut in a bob style.

"That's absurd," Yugi responded taking another bite of his peach, "He can talk just fine and he's from Egypt."

The group blinked at him, "So you were able to get him to talk in chemistry, Yug?" Joey asked.

Yugi nodded, "You were too busy drooling on your notebook."

"I was not!" Joey grumbled.

"Where is he? I want to meet him...and by meet him I mean I want to make him feel awkward and humiliated," Marik looked around for Yugi's doppelganger.

"You should at least give him his first day before scaring him, Marik," Malik smiled at his look-a-like.

"You hold him down Marik, I'll steal his boxers and hang them up on the flag pole in front," Bakura cackled.

Large amethyst rolled in a delicate circle in their sockets, "I'll be right back." Yugi stood and walked over to the building. He had seen Yami staring out a window by himself. "Hello again." Yugi smiled walking over to Yami.

The tanned youth nodded, "" His eyebrow arched trying to remember the petite youth's name.

"You got it," Yugi smiled at him, "My group eats lunch outside by the large oak tree," Yugi pointed to where the others sat under the tree, "Would you like to come sit with us? I will introduce you to the others."

"Okay," Yami accepted the offer.

"Great! Come on." Yugi motioned for Yami to follow him. He led him outside and over to their usual lunch spot, weather permitting of course. "Everyone this is Yami. He is new from Egypt. Yami, this is," he pointed to each individual in turn, "Joey, Tristen, Ryou, Bakura, Marik, Malik, and Anzu." The group said hello and waved at Yami. A small smiled crossed the coral lips as he returned the wave. Yugi lowered himself near the tree where he was previously. Yami went to sit next to Yug; he sat quietly observing the group.

"Where's your lunch?" Ryou asked noticing that Yami didn't have a lunch with him. Yami shrugged. Yugi sighed and handed Yami the paper bag that sat next to him. Crimson eyes looked into Yugi's brilliant amethyst confused.

"There's a sandwich in there. It's perfectly good. I made it this morning," Yugi smiled.

"Are you sure? What about you?' Yami asked the petite youth next to him.

"Oh Ra! He speaks!" Marik chortled. A light blush tainted the tan cheeks.

"Ignore him, you'll get use to Marik and Bakura. Go ahead and eat. I'm okay. I already had a peach." Yugi smiled warmly at his doppelganger.

"Thank you," Yami smiled. Yugi felt his heart skip a beat when the brilliant smile crossed the dusky coral lips of the leather clad figure.

"You're welcome. What other classes do you have today?" Yugi asked.

"World history, literature, and study hall," Yami responded reading off of his paper.

"I lave world history right after lunch too. I'll show you were it is and then take you to your literature class after that," Yugi smiled as he played with the grass underneath his hands. His fingers running through the soft green blades.

"I appreciate it," Yami  smiled and took a bite of the sandwich. 

"Bakura!" Ryou squeaked. The group glanced up to see the taller albino standing with Ryou slung over his shoulder, "put me down!"

"I will when I am good and ready," Bakura's free hand found its way to Ryou's sides tickling the youth. Ryou squeaked and squirmed.

"Kura I just ate," Ryou gasped in between giggles, "put me down or I'm going to throw up on you!"

"Ugh...fine." Bakura placed the smaller silver haired youth back on the grass as he smirked down at him, "at least we can still have fun in chemistry. Right Marik?" Bakura turned to the tanned Egyptian who returned his grin.

"You both already have detention for a month. Do you really want to add onto that?" Ryou smirked.

"Touché," Marik responded, "Don't worry, we won't get caught."

Malik grinned scooting closer to Marik to talk to him about what he was going to do in chemistry that afternoon. Anzu took the opportunity to get closer to Yugi and Yami.

"So Yami, how do you like Domino High so far?" Anzu asked.

The leather clad student nodded, "It's fine." Yami shifted uncomfortably.

"What's wrong?" Anzu asked scooting closer to him. Yami backed up further from Anzu.

"Yugi, do you know where I can buy some water?" Yami asked the petite youth.

"There's a vending machine right inside the doors." Yugi pointed, "We will pass it on our way to world history. Speaking of which, we should get going." Yugi stood wiping the grass off of his blue school uniform. Yami downed the last bite of Yugi's sandwich before standing to follow the amethyst eyed doppelganger.

Coming to the end of his day, Yugi sat at the desk just outside the principal's office where the student office assistant sat each hour. The principle had been in his office with the door closed ever since before he got to the office. He pulled out some of his homework to get a head start on it.

Yugi's amethyst eyes went wide as he heard a yell come from the principal's office, "But her eyebrows will grow back! What's the big deal?"

Yugi stifled a chuckle. He knew that voice...Marik. /Bakura and Marik must have done something in chemistry. That poor teacher./ The door came flying open as Bakura and Marik exited the office and were asked to sit in the chairs just outside the principal's office.

"What did you guys do?" Yugi whispered to them.

"We just added potassium to water..." Bakura shrugged.

"You blew up the lab!?" Yugi gaped at them.

"It was only one station." Marik smiled.

"What is your punishment for that?" Yugi asked curiously.

Bakura shrugged, "You know we won't do it whatever it is."

/Ryou is going to freak when he finds out,/ Yugi smiled. "Perhaps you should lay low for a little while. You don't want to be expelled."

"We aren't planning on getting expelled. We are just having a little bit...of fun." A maniacal grin etched its way onto Marik's lips.

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