Sanji x reader - Chaos Theory

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I have to write sadness

"Where is he?" Nami tapped her foot, sighing.

"Don't worry. I'm sure it's just traffic." (Name) smiled.

"Right." Nami growled impatiently.

"Ww just have to wait." Vivi smiled at the orange haired woman.

"(Name)!" It was Zoro, panting slightly. "You have to come, quick!"

"Where is it? I'd better lead the way." Nami asked dryly.

"Now isn't the time for jokes! T-There's been an accident!" The green haired man shouted, drawing the attention of everyone else in the restaurant.

"What happened?" (Name) was getting a horrible sinking feeling in her stomach, a feeling of dread.

"No time to explain, let's go!" Zoro exclaimed, grabbing the (H/C) haired girl's hand and pulling her out of the restaurant.


"Why are we...?" (Name) stared at her surroundings, pristine, white.

"Ms (Last Name)?" A doctor asked, making her look up at him in surprise. His expression was grim.

"Yes?" That gnawing feeling of dread continued, becoming more and more painful.

"I-I'm very sorry for your loss." He managed to say.

"What do you mean?" (Name) whispered, eyes wide.

"H-He just passed away." The doctor said remorsefully.

"W-Who? Why is no one explaining to me?!" (Name) asked, feeling more and more nervous.

"Your lover, I believe." The black haired man said. "Sanji."

That was it. (Name) felt the balloon inside her burst, the tears flow down her cheeks, sobbing for her lost love.

Her friend had returned, exchanged a look with the doctor to tell him what he needed to know, and pulled (Name) into a hug, letting her weep into his chest.


A small black box and some paper was all it took to break (Name).

The dinner as to celebrate their anniversary. He'd planned to propose to her, even written what he wanted to say on a scrap of paper, a speech he'd spent hours slaving over. Only he never got to say it to her.

They'd found the box with the beautiful ring among the rubble in the car, and the paper, slightly torn but still readable.

Others felt just as bad. Nami felt awful for scolding a dead man on the day, Zoro felt bad for not arriving on time, Law the doctor felt bad for not being able to save his life.

This death had left so many scars, a perfect example is chaos theory. If he hadn't lost his keys at the last minute and took longer arriving, if the other driver hadn't been drinking, if (Name) had never organised the date, he'd have still been alive.


"This is beautiful." (Name) sighed in happiness, looking up at the fireworks in the sky.

"Not as beautiful as you." Sanji replied, smirking.

(Name) smiled, and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him.

She put down the photo, the one they'd taken together when he'd taken her to a festival.

There were plenty like it, thousands of picture of them together - they'd been a couple for over 5 years. Each one had a special memory.

"If only I could turn back time." (Name) sighed, smiling sadly. "I could tell you to always keep your keys in your pocket, and that there's no time constraint for arriving, as long as you arrives in the end."

"You always liked to talk about Choas Theory, didn't you? The butterfly effect, whatever you call it. The idea that the tiniest details are the most important. And in the end that was how you died. Because you didn't pay attention to the little details, like the time and where your keys were." She sighed again. "Life's about ifs, and since you left I've been thinking about them a lot. If only I'd done this, if only that happened."

"If only that damn butterfly would have kept still and saved a life."

If you aren't aware of Chaos Theory, you might know it as the butterfly effect. If not, I'll explain the famous example - A tiny butterfly flapping its wings may cause a devastating hurricane weeks from now - That's the deal with the last sentence if you didn't understand.

Sanji x reader one shotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt