Teacher!Sanji x Student!reader - Her Teacher

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My poster of Law fell on my head why do you hate me my child
Btw if you didn't already know Sanji's last name is Vinsmoke ;)

"Miss (Last Name), if you could tell us the function of Iron?" The voice snapped (Name) out of her daydream.

"It helps in the production of red blood cells, which carry oxygen." She answered.

"And what vitamin makes this possible?" The blonde teacher asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Vitamin C." (Name) replied, glancing down at her notes, that were decorated with swirls, flowers and sketches of people.

In particular, her teacher Mr Vinsmoke.

She blushed when she realised she'd drawn her teacher on her notes, and immediately began to cover it in tippex.

"-and vitamin C can provide healthy skin and...Miss (Last Name), are you paying attention?" He stopped speaking, drawing his attention to the (H/C) haired girl.

"Huh? Yeah." She looked up.

"What was I just talking about?" Mr Vinsmoke questioned her, folding his arms.

"Vitamin C." (Name) replied not missing a beat.

"Mmm. Stay behind after class, I'd like to talk to you." He frowned, returning to writing on the board.

(Name) scowled, and glared at his back, hating him but loving him at the same time.


"You haven't been fully concentrating in class, have you?" Mr Vinsmoke frowned, as he collected in the textbooks.

"I have sir, it's just..." The (H/C) haired girl trailed off.

"It's just what?" He stopped what he was doing to look at her.

"Nothing, sir." (Name) said, looking down at the floor.

"(Name), if something is wrong and could potentially cause harm to you, I need to know. It's obligatory as a teacher." He lifted up her chin with a finger, causing her to blush.

"I-I have to get to my next lesson!" (Name) protested, trying to escape the awkward situation.

"And (Name)?" Mr Vinsmoke called after her. "You need to catch up on some coursework. Do you mind coming back after school?"

"O-of course!" (Name) stuttered, avoiding his gaze as she left the classroom.


She gathered up her books, sighing as her history teacher reminded them about the homework, with graphic threats about what would happen if it was not completed, though people knew she wasn't serious. It was still terrifying.

"Hey (Name), are you going to get the bus today?" One of her friends asked, smiling happily at her.

"Sorry, I have to stay behind to complete coursework." (Name) replied, sighing even though she had a bubbly feeling inside of her at the idea of an hour with her favourite teacher.

He was mature, but at the same time acted young. He wasn't one of those teachers who tried too hard to be cool, or uptight - his calmness just naturally made him a popular teacher. Not to mention the fact that (Name) wasn't the only one who had fallen for the blonde.

"Have fun!" Her friend grinned before rushing off at the sight of her crush, Mr Roronoa. Clearly a certain teacher would not be going home any time soon.


"That's most the things covered, so if I give you the worksheet you can do it at home, right." Mr Vinsmoke said, closing the folder.

"Thank you sir." (Name) replied, putting her pencil case away.

"No need to be so formal all the time (Name). You can call me Sanji." He said.

"O-okay." She blushed, unused to such a informal relationship with a member of staff.

"And (Name)?" She looked up in response. "That drawing of me was really good."

"Y-you noticed? I-I mean, w-what are you talking about?!?!" (Name) stumbled over her words, blushing furiously.

'Good one, (Name).'

"You think I wouldn't notice when the girl I've had a crush on for a while now starts drawing me in her notes?" He smirked, victorious.

"W-what?! I mean...h-how...I mean...W-why?!" She stuttered, blushing at his confession.

"Why wouldn't I fall in love with you (Name)? I mean, you're pretty, you're smart, you're funny, great at loads of things. I mean, I've heard quite a few teachers in the staff room singing your prayers." Each word Sanji said made her face even more pink.

"Y-you don't mean that..." She avoided his gaze.

"I wouldn't lie to you (Name)." Sanji said softly, taking her hands in his.

"S-Sanji..." The foreign name sounded exotic, special when she said it.

"Here." He placed a piece of paper in her hand. "You should go home."


(Name) sat down on her bed and sighed, dropping her heavy bag on the ground. She fished the piece of paper out of her pocket.

"Huh." She smiled seeing a collection of numbers on the scrap. His phone number.

The (H/C) haired girl found her phone in her bag, and began to dial the number.


Also stfu to all those people saying Sanji's going to die. He's immortal.

Sanji x reader one shotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt