Sanji x reader - Kill

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Originally I was going to either be called Anastasia or Regina. What is with my parents and Russian names.

"You'll die...I'll kill you..." The (H/C) haired girl whispered, her eyes filling up with tears and her hands curling into fists. "I'll fucking kill you...Black Leg Sanji..."

She stood up, letting go of the corpse's cold, dead hand and walked towards the door, a revenge plan already beginning in her mind.


This was the place she knew the straw hats would be. They had to be.

Surely enough, she caught sight of the pirate crew's ship, the Thousand Sunny. (Name) had done her research - she knew what the different straw hats did, how their ship worked.

Without looking where she was going, she bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going, and I..." (Name) apologised, stopping when she caught sight of the person's face.

"It's okay, miss." He offered his hand to her, and she took it, smiling.

'Black fucking Leg Sanji. You'll die by the hand you've taken so kindly.'

"H-How can I repay you for my carelessness?" (Name) asked, pretending to blush.

"It's no problem at all. Maybe your name?" The blonde replied smoothly.

"(Name) (Last Name)." She answered.

"I'm Sanji." He smiled.

"S-Sanji?! As in the Straw Hat pirates?!" (Name) pretended to be shocked. "I've always wanted to join the crew, but I fear rejection..."

"(Name), you won't be rejected. You're so beautiful and unique that Luffy will ask you to be his nakama in a heartbeat." Sanji said, causing (Name) to blush, only this time it was for real.


"That's so cool!" Luffy, Usopp and Chopper stared in awe at (Name)'s devil fruit power - the power to manipulate time - speed it up, or stop it completely.

"Hey (Name)! Be my nakama!" Luffy said the phrase which so many had heard.

"I-I'd love to if you accept me, Luffy." (Name) smiled.

"Of course."

(Name) was quickly welcomed into the crew, made friends with her 'nakama', although she had to remind herself this wasn't for fun, it was so she could stab Sanji in the back.

For all the pain he'd caused for, for killing her brother, (Name) decided he had to suffer more than just death.

He had to suffer death at the hands of someone he considered a friend.

Or slightly more than a friend.


The night was quiet, the only sound being the waves lapping against the side of the sunny.

Sanji was on night-watch, and since they were at an island (Name) decided she would kill him and get out of there.

She was scared, about how the crew would react, but her lust for revenge overcame the fear.

"(Name)?" Sanji became alert of the (H/C) haired girl's presence behind him.

"I'm sorry, but this is for my brother..." (Name) whispered, barely audible.

"Conglaciō." She said, activating her devil fruit. He was trapped, as if time had frozen.

She quickly took him down, straddling him and pulling out the dagger, the one she had been given by her family.

"Calefaciō." She stopped the pause of time, wanting him to suffer until the end, just as her brother did - killing him wasn't enough.

"(N-Name)?" Sanji's eyes widened in surprise at the (H/C) haired girl raising a dagger above her head, ready to strike it into his chest.

But that moment never came.

She couldn't bring herself to do it. She couldn't kill him, and put other people through the same misery she experienced.

"Damn it..." (Name) discarded the dagger, tears welling up in her eyes.

"W-What's going on?" Sanji knew exactly what was happening, but he didn't say.

"Why...can't I kill you...after what you did to me?" (Name) whispered.

"What did I do. Tell me (Name), so I can fix it." Sanji said softly, attempting to sit up.

"Y-You can't fix it, unless you can fucking bring my brother back from the dead!" Her voice was slightly rising with each word, her tears flowing down her cheeks.

"(Name)." He said quietly, gently placing his hands on her waist and moving the weeping girl so he could sit up. "I'm so sorry."

Sanji pulled the (H/C) haired girl into a hug, letting her weep into his chest and stain his shirt with her tears.

"I'm so sorry." He repeated, stroking her hair gently.

"'s so stupid...I can't do what I need to." (Name) said hoarsely. "I can't kill you."

"(Name), I can't fathom how you must feel. I feel so awful that I ruined the life of such a beautiful young girl." Sanji replied.

"No one's ever...ever called me beautiful..." (Name) whispered.

"Then they must be blind, because you are the most amazing girl in the entire world. You are more beautiful than any others, more than Nami or Robin or even Boa Hancock." Sanji used his finger to tilt her chin upwards, so he could see her glassy (E/C) eyes.

"Sanji...I think...that I can't kill you because...I mean, it matches up with what my brother would say...It's because I think I'm in love with you Sanji..." (Name) said quietly.

"I love you too (Name)." He smiled, kissing her sweetly, softly.

"I wish I could freeze time forever, so we could be like this forever." The (H/C) haired girl sighed.

"You don't need to freeze time to be with me, (Name)." Sanji said. "I'll stay with you, don't you worry. It's my thanks to you for not killing me, I guess."

I was going to have a really sad ending but nah.

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