Sanji x reader - Given

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This style of writing all poetic is new to me, idk if I like it or not.

She was a Juliet, and he was a Romeo. They were in love, and nothing could break them apart. Sanji and (Name), (Name) and Sanji, the couple that could not be in society.

But as with every couple they had their flaws.

He had a past, he born from a notorious family. She was to marry another, someone that was considered 'worth' her.

But no matter how the rain poured, they persisted with their love. They met up in places unbeknownst to others. Kissing in the rain, secret midnight affairs : their love could make a story.


"It might be too late. They might find us, and then they'd..." (Name) trailed off, tearing up. Sanji touched her cheek slightly, lifted her chin up so her eyes could meet his.

"(Name), I couldn't care for the life of me. They could find us, but this time we've spent together means more than my life. You've given me a heaven on earth, and I will be eternally grateful." He said, looking into her eyes.

"Thank you, Sanji. And you've given me so much more. You've given me a life back that I thought didn't exist. Giving you my life isn't enough, because you've given me more." She replied.

There was a knock on the door, and instantly (Name) hissed at him to hide, to which he obliged.

"Miss? Are you okay?" A voice called out.

"Yes, thank you." (Name) replied, only for the door to open.

"There's no one in here, right? I thought that I heard voices." The maid asked, frowning.

"No, you must have been imagining things." (Name) said smoothly.

"I guess." The maid replied, before exiting.

"That was close." (Name) breathed out as soon as she had left.

"Shall we continue?" She felt Sanji's hot breath on her neck and smiled.


The moon was shining down, and there wasn't a single cloud - the perfect weather.

"You sure it's safe?" (Name) asked cautiously, pushing brambles out of her face.

"Don't you worry. It'll be alright." Sanji said soothingly, though he was as nervous as she was.

'What if they catch us? She'll...I'll...' He shook the thought out of his head. He couldn't, he wasn't going to get caught.

Oh how naïve he was.


"Mr Vinsmoke...I never thought you'd be so ruthless." The male smirked. "Kidnapping my own daughter."

"Because she deserves a life better than what you've planned for her." Sanji spat, glaring at the man.

"How much are you willing to exchange for her life? For her freedom?" (Name)'s father asked, drumming his fingers on the table.

"Anything. My life if it comes to it." Sanji said firmly.

"Okay then." The man stood up. "Say, If I do give you my daughter, what will I gain?"

"Whatever you wish. I will find anything, do anything to be able to love (Name)." The blonde replied.

"Then you won't refuse my request?" A smirk crept onto the face of the (H/C) haired man.


She drew another mark on the wall. Another scar to the wall, to show how long she had waited. Five year's worth of marks.

"I don't see why you persist." (Name)'s sister sighed. "You could be married to some rich guy and living a dream."

"My love for Sanji is worth more than anything some rich guy could give me." (Name) said dreamily. "He's given me more than money and riches."

"Just give up already!" Her sister groaned, lying flat on the bed so her (H/C) fanned out.

"I've fallen in love with him. And falling out of love isn't as easy as it would seem." (Name) replied. "He's promised me my own Eden, and I'm not going to trade it for the world."

"It's just one small task." Sanji reassured her. "Barely anything to me."

"Please don't risk your life." (Name) begged him.

"It's better that I risk my life than you lose yours." He said softly. "I'll be back. And when I am, we can be together. Properly. Okay?"

"Okay." (Name) smiled back.

"Miss (Name)! I bear good news!"


"Thank you, Sanji." (Name) said softly, resting her head on his chest. "For all you've given me, and I've returned nothing."

"You've over compensated (Name)." Sanji replied. "You've given me your love, your heart. I can't begin to describe how precious that is to me."

Sorry this is so boring and there's no other One Piece characters

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