Sanji x Marine!reader

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I'm inventing a cocktail (or mocktail) to represent Sanji and I don't know what to put in it, though I know that it should have something blue in it.

"Smoker-San, the papers you asked for." The (H/C) haired girl offered him the files.

"Put them over there." He wafted her away with his hand.

She obliged, placing the documents on the table before something caught her eye. A pile of wanted posters. The straw hat pirate crew.

"So these are the Pirates you're obsessed with..." (Name) pondered, flicking through the wad of posters offering generous bounties.

"Oi." Smoker stood up.

"Who's this dude...?" (Name) giggled at a hideous portrait of 'Black Leg Sanji'.

"Their cook. The real picture was crap, so we had to use a substitute." Smoker explained, snatching the posters out of her hands. "Now get back to work."

"Yes sir!" (Name) lazily saluted him, smirking before running off.

Smoker smiled after her affectionately, like a father would to his child.


"After all this we can't arrest them." Smoker growled, annoyed at yet another debt the the pirate crew.

"Where's the weird one? Black leg?" (Name) asked, scanning the crowed. "I wanna see if he's really that ugly."

"Over there." Smoker pointed in the direction of the blonde cook.

"H-he's quite handsome," (Name) muttered, blushing.

"Oi, don't go falling for a pirate." Smoker growled protectively. There was no way he'd let the girl he considered to be a daughter to him to date that pirate scum.


"I'm pleased to make the acquaintance of such a beautiful young woman!" Sanji said, kissing (Name)'s hand and causing her to look away and blush.

"You really aren't like your poster, Black Leg." She commented, causing the cook to sigh.

"That damn's a mockery." He muttered.

"I mean, it lowers expectations, so you're even better when people meet you!" (Name) grinned.

"Right." Sanji tried to suppress his desire to be flirtatious. She was the enemy.

But he loved her truly.

It wasn't an infatuation, it wasn't a appreciation of beauty. It was true love.

But the path of true love never did run smooth.


"We can't leave now!" (Name) complained.

"We have to get back. Can't get too friendly with the Pirates or it'll be impossible to arrest them." Smoker sighed, wanting to get away from the annoying rubber man as soon as possible.

"Can I at least say goodbye to one of them?" (Name) asked, not wanting to leave without a last word with the attractive cook.

"I guess..." Smoker weakened at her puppy eyes. "Five minutes. We'll be waiting for you on the ship."


"I don't want to say goodbye to you,  Sanji." (Name) breathed. "Because...because..."

"I love you, miss (Name) (Last Name)." Sanji finished her sentence, looking into her beautiful face (E/C) eyes.

"I hope that we can meet again, but not as enemies because...I love you too Sanji." The (H/C) haired girl replied. She glanced up at the newly fixed ship, previously destroyed by Trafalgar Law. Asshole. "I'd better get going."

She quickly connected their lips in a short but passionate kiss before running off, waving goodbye to the ensemble that had gathered.

"Well done, shitty cook. You managed to get a girlfriend in the marines." Zoro commented, to which he received a glare.

"I hope we can meet again...(Name)." Sanji said softly, watching after the disappearing girl.

Sorry that my writing is unoriginal and weird, I have a sore throat and currently even breathing hurts. But at least it's a somewhat early update :3

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