Sanji x Blind!reader - Sight

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Being blind is an awful thing, I know. And I'm not trying to romanticise it in any way.
Also idek about the picture -_-

A world without sight was horrible. Not able to see those she loved, not being able to be independent.

(Name) couldn't see the tiniest things that anyone else could tell easily. (Name) didn't see the love of her life was right in front of her all this time.

Not even when she had her sight.


"It's not getting any worse. That's a positive." Chopper sighed as he put his medical equipment away.

"Thank you, Chopper." (Name) smiled. "Could you lead me to Robin and Nami?"

"Sure!" The cute doctor exclaimed, pulling her hand gently and leading her to her friends.

"(Name), are you okay?" Nami asked, sitting up in her chair as (Name) sat down with a sigh.

"I can't see anything, so that sucks." (Name) replied sarcastically. There was something that just annoyed her. A tiny buzzing fly that made her horrible to her friends.


"-I can't see anything, so that sucks." Sanji overheard (Name) say. He felt a pang of guilt, knowing it was his fault she was blind.

"Sanji, look out!" (Name) shoved the blonde out of the way, before the sword could penetrate his head.

The weapon instead cut across her eyes, wounding them and causing her to gasp in shock. The pain was agonising.

Sanji felt bile rise in his throat at the sight of her wounded face, quickly fighting off the enemy before picking up (Name) in his arms and trying to find Chopper.

He almost felt sick at recalling the horrible event. The time in which his love had been hurt for his sake.

The worst thing was that it wasn't the first time someone had been hurt, just so he could live.


"Sanji? Is that you?" (Name) called out innocently, touching the cook's shoulder lightly.

"Yeah. How could you tell?" Sanji smiled down at her.

"I could just tell, I guess." (Name) replied, making the blonde man blush.

"Listen, I'm sorry." Sanji said after a pause.

"For what?" (Name) asked.

"What happened to you. It's my fault." Sanji was quieter, angry at himself.

"It wasn't your fault. How could you say it's your fault?" (Name) gave him a sweet smile. "It was a way to save your life. You had no partake in my blinding."

"If I had been more careful, then you wouldn't have had to save me." Sanji's hand curled into a fist in anger at himself. "I've ruined your life, and to be honest I wish I had died instead."

"I would be blinded a million times than for you to die, Sanji." (Name) reached for his hand, him guiding her palm against his.

"(Name)." He blushed slightly at the blind girl's soft words, her voice laced with kindness.

He felt a surge of adrenaline rush through him - he had to do it, otherwise they'd be no other chance to.

He placed his hands on her shoulders and guided her lips onto his. At first the (H/C) haired girl was shocked, but then  she relaxed slightly.

"Sanji...I love you." She confessed once their lips broke apart.

"I always have. And always will." His smile, the one she loved, though invisible to her eyes she could see it.

She didn't need simple eyesight for that.

So sorry this update is late, I've had a lot of music rehearsals and barely any time to write.

Sanji x reader one shotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt