Chapter 1 - Don't Blink

Start from the beginning

"Doctor?" I yelled as I entered. I heard a crash as something fell to the floor. My heart started racing and I started feeling scared. Then I saw The Doctor's head pop up from behind a table. "You scared me!"

"Sorry, didn't mean to," he apologized.

"What are you doing?" I asked, walking towards him.

"Just looking around, they have some fascinating things here."

"Well, come on. I found the TARDIS, we should leave."

"Righto!" He jumped up and started for the door, hand running over some of the objects in the room that looked like computers. I followed and watched him; he was always so excited when he looked at alien technology, he was always scanning the stuff and taking them apart to see what was inside. I heard a voice over a speaker announcing there was only one minute remaining until complete destruction of the ship. A huge explosion somewhere caused the ship to shake with a huge force that knocked us off our feet and sent things in the room crashing to the floor.

"We gotta go!" I yelled and scrambled to my feet. The Doctor sprung to his feet and we both ran out together. The Doctor got ahead of me and pulled out the key for the TARDIS as we neared the room it was in. He unlocked the door and we both hurried in. Turning around from the door, I saw The Doctor was already at the controls working on getting us out of here. The noises of the TARDIS filled my ears as we flew off. I stood next to The Doctor and looked at him suspiciously and smiled.

"So," I said slowly. "What did you do back there?"

"Blew up the ship," he said matter-of-factly. "I thought you would have understood that from all the running and everything."

I stared at him; a look that said 'wow, you're stupid.' "Uhmm...yeah I understood that."

"Well, why did you ask?"

"Why did you blow it up?"

"Had to."


"Bec-" He stopped talking when the lights suddenly shut off. "What the--?" He started looking around the TARDIS and looking at things on his television-like screen-thing. "Hmmm...Everything looks fine. Why did.." His voice trailed off when the lights flickered back on.

"Doctor, what's going on?" I asked, voice a little shaky. He hadn't said anything since the lights came back on. "Doctor?" I couldn't see him; he was on the other side of the TARDIS, hidden by the tube-thing.

"Walker, come here please," he said. His voice sounded a little uneasy as he spoke but I was relieved to hear his voice. Walking over to him, I started complaining about him using my last name instead of my first. I came up behind him and stopped talking when I saw him staring at a statue of an angel. The angel was made of stone and had on a long dress and was covering her face with her hands.

"Where did that come from?" I asked slowly.

"Walker, do me a favor please and...stare at it. Don't blink, oh please don't blink, and...well, stare at it."

"What? Why?" I looked over at The Doctor to see him staring at the angel a little uneasy.

"Please," he repeated.

"Uhh...yeah, okay." I fixed my eyes on the angel and stared.

"Don't look at it's eyes!" The Doctor said urgently, making me jump.

"I can't see it's eyes! It's covering it's face."

"Right...well if it moves, don't look at it's eyes."

"What? It's a statue it can't move!" I turned away from the angel to look at The Doctor who yelled "No!" and looked past me at the statue. "What?!" I asked curiously annoyed, turning back around. I pulled back in shock. The statue moved! She was no longer covering her face, but reaching out for me with both of her arms. "Uhmm... Doctor, what just happened?"

"Don't look away and don't blink!" He answered urgently.

"Yup, yeah, okay," I agreed. "But, uhh, how did it move? It's a statue."

"Only when you're looking at it, it's a statue." His voice was low and scary. I felt a shiver travel down my spine.

"W-what do you mean?"

"It's from a race called the Weeping Angels. It's a stone statue of an angel while you're looking at it, and a monster when you're not. Look away for a second and it can kill you. They are fast creatures. Don't look in its eyes either or it will make you an angel too."

"Oh, this makes me feel soooo safe," I mumbled sarcastically.

"I just have to find out how it got on the TARDIS and why," The Doctor mumbled.

"Uhh, Doctor, how long do I have to stare at it?" I could feel my eyes begin to dry out and burn.

"Just a few seconds longer..." He flicked a switch that made the TARDIS shake violently, knocking me off my feet. I fell back and hit my head hard. I closed my eyes for a split-second but quickly snapped them back open to see the angel over top of me. It's face was all contorted; it's eyes were narrowed at me, it's mouth was open showing sharp teeth, and it's fingernails had grown long and sharp.

"D-Doctor!" I yelled weakly. The blow to my head had dazed me and I could see spots dancing in front of my eyes. I heard footsteps as The Doctor came closer to me.

He knelt beside me and stared at the angel while he talked, voice full of concern. "Walker, are you alright?"

I stared up at him, blinking hard as everything started turning black. "Wow, I hit my head hard," I groaned as the TARDIS shook again and everything swirled into darkness.


Hope you enjoyed! x))

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-Kae A.<3


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