15 |My Parents|

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Who likes potatoes?

I do xD

This chap is dedicated to a special someone who writes the most awesome story!! Go read Zerians - Kyle is absolutely Bae!

Thanks for all your support hun!


I stuck my tongue out at Ad, who had just been ordered to get back to his own table by a very angry Mr Diordram. He snickered, shaking his head in amusement and started walking away. I turned back around and focussed on the paper in front of me, letting out a large sigh of relief.

Before the multiple times Ad had come over, Hugo had slunk over next to me. Mr Diordram had sent him right back too - not that that stopped Ad from coming over another three times though.

Honestly those two boys needed so much attention.

I felt conflicted when deciding who to hang out with. On one hand, a girlfriend is supposed to be there for their boyfriend. On the other hand, a best friend is forever. I couldn't even ask my family for advice on this; since me dating was a secret.

I tutted, deep in thought. Young cleared his throat, and pointed to the question I had just blindly answered.

'Its option D, not A' he softly whispered.

I read through the question properly, realising my mistake. 'Thanks' I whispered back, changing my answer accordingly. I moved onto the next question scrutinising every detail, when I heard a loud groan from Beat.

I looked uncertainly at her, hearing her mutter something about wanting a cheat genie under her breath. Giggling, I pointed to a question of hers where she'd drawn in an extra option E and circled it. 'That's C, Beat', to which she laughed sheepishly before frantically erasing her sarcastic answer.

After I finished all the questions, my phone vibrated in my pocket. Tapping in, I saw that it was a message from Hugo. 

Hugo: Do you have anything on after school tomorrow?

Chloe: I have orchestra till 5. Why?

Hugo: I kind of already bought tickets for you, but we have a large soccer game at 6 after that. Can you come to watch?:)

I looked towards Hugo, who flashed me a pleading smile. I debated it for a while but decided Why not? I nodded slowly, flashing him a smile back.

Hugo jolted up in joy, accidentally tipping his stool in the process. The class responded to the loud Clang with gasps, as we all stared at Hugo awkwardly regain his composure and sit back down timidly.

I quickly turned my body back around to face the table, covering my face in embarrassment.

Did dating someone mean being responsible for them?


To be honest, dating secretly without my parents knowing wasn't that hard. That was something that I realised. All I had to do was omit anything BGR related from my conversations with them. Of course, only Chanel knew. Chanel had screamed when she found out and had spazzed about how I was lucky to have a cute boyfriend. 

As I entered the kitchen to drop off my phone, I saw my mother with her back to me, making a sandwich. 'Hey mummy', I greeted her.

She gave me a small smile before turning back to her sandwich and added Mayonnaise to the ham. 'How was school?' she asked casually.

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