"But-" began Peleus.

"Smaug! Let him in!" A voice commanded. It turned out that the voice belonged to a man with curly brown hair. 

The guard, Smaug, kneeled down and said, "But my King, this man-"

"Has come here to only be purified," continued the man with curly hair who turned out to be King Acastus. 

King Acastus then turned to Peleus. "My dear boy, come. Let us discuss all matters in the palace," he said. "But before you enter, let me ask you, are you sure that you have no other intention of coming here in my kingdom than to be purified?"

"Oh my king Acastus," began Peleus, as he kneeled down on one knee. "I swear to the River Styx that the only reason I came here in Iolcus is to be purified."

Peleus and King Acastus went inside the palace. After a few minutes, Peleus was purified by King Acastus.

"I thank thee my King," said Peleus. 

King Acastus nodded. "No problem! You know, you really shouldn't-"

They were interrupted by the loud bang on the door. In came a lady with long curly light brown hair. 

"Acastus! You've been gone for so long, I was worried," she said, with obviously fake concern.

"My dear Astydameia, you need not worry," said Acastus, hugging the lady, Astydameia. "I was just here, hearing the stories of this hero, Peleus."

"Peleus," said Astydameia, staring at Peleus intensely, that you might have mistaken them for a couple whose love is unbearable. "What a charming name."

"Uh - Thank you, your highness," said Peleus. Apparently, Astydameia is the wife of Acastus, making her the queen of Iolcus.

"So, King Acastus, Queen Astydameia, I may have to leave for the night," said Peleus. "I still have to go back to Phthia, and fix my mistakes."

"NO!" shouted Astydameia, earning looks from Peleus and Acastus. And with a more gentler tone she said, "What I mean is, that since Peleus is tired, he must stay here in Iolcus for the night. He can even sleep in the palace, right Acastus dear?"

Acastus nodded. "Peleus, you may sleep in the guest room," he said. 

"Uh-sure," said Peleus. "Where is it?" 

"Oh, sorry," said Acastus. He then called a servant to guide Peleus to the guest room.

"Eva, please take Peleus to guest room number 328," he said. 

"At your command, King Acastus," Eva bowed her head.

Peleus walked a long way to his room. And when he finally arrived to his room, he immediately closed the door and layed down on the bed.

"Wow, this is probably the softest bed I've ever rested in," he said to himself in joy. 

"Glad you like it," an unknown scary voice replied to him. 

Peleus immediately got off the bed and brought out his sword. 

"Who goes there?" he asked.

"No need for swords Peleus," said the voice. The voice seemed to be coming out of the corner in his room, and it sounds as if it were coming nearer and nearer. 

A silhouette of a lady formed in the corner. 

"For it is only I - the queen of Iolcus - Astydameia!" said the silhouette and coming clearer, it was indeed, Astydameia.

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