Season 3 Episode 4: Big Trouble in Little Oregon

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He nodded, sweeping the floor. "Seeing that Wendy isn't here, I'm gonna say yes. And who doesn't appreciate a three-day weekend every once in a while?"

Melody left the sign in front of her as it was, so that it read "CLOSED." Ford and Dipper came barging into the shop, eager to solve this bizarre weather problem. Stan and Mabel followed closely behind.

"But what about our family meeting?" Dipper asked his uncle, coming across quite alarmed.

"The meeting will have to wait, Dipper. We must focus on the task at hand. I have located the area where the level of snow is much more abundant than others," Ford replied, pushing the front door open. A gust of wind sent chills down Dipper's spine. "And it's somewhere in the Mountains of Gravity Falls. Heh, go figure."

"Okay, so go find it," Stan interjected. "Piece of cake."

"I know where the snow is coming from, but I don't know what is causing it. It could be extremely dangerous or it could be nothing at all."

"Either way, we go out there and stop it," Stan said, facing his brother. "Nonetheless, still a piece of cake."

Ford shut the door and looked back at everyone in the room. "So, who wants to go with me?"

Stanford's brother immediately volunteered. "Count me in."

Soos and Melody both exchanged the same identical look that said, "you know what? We should do it. Let's both go. We need more adventure in our lives."

So they did. They both stepped forward, holding hands. "We'll go, sir!" Soos declared.

Mabel frowned, glancing down at her ankle. "I can't go. My ankle hurt for the three minutes I was out there earlier," she admitted.

Dipper sighed. "I'll stay here with you, Mabel."

Ford grunted and handed his watch to his brother. "Remember how to operate this thing?"

"Well yeah," Stan hesitantly nodded, taking it from him.

"Good, because I'm staying here too."

Dipper and Mabel gasped. "What? But you never--"

"I'm staying this time. Leaving it up to my brother, to Soos, and to Melody."

"Poindexter, this is weird, even for you," Stan raised an eyebrow.

"What, I can't spend quality time at home with my niece and nephew? Besides, I've had enough fun for one week."

"I fought a dragon, Ford! You think I'm all gung-ho on actually doing this?!"

Soos placed a hand on Stanley's shoulder. "Don't worry, Mister Pines," the man grinned. "You've got Melody and I."

Ford kneeled down between Dipper and Mabel, putting his arms around them. "Besides, if something happens to you three, you'll have us to back you up."

Stan grunted. "Ugh, okay fine. But we're not going out there blind, if you know what I mean."

Melody's face lit up with excitement. "My video chat! Here, let me set it up." She scrambled to her laptop and clicked a few icons, leading her to just that. She pointed to the screen. "This way, we'll receive live feed of you three while we're hiking around in the mountains," she explained. "You tell us where to go, and we'll go there."

Stan blinked. "Whoa, I didn't know those things could do that!"

"I didn't either," Ford nodded. "I've invented things, but this. This is impressive."

Soos, Melody, and Stan got all ready to go: throwing on warm clothes, putting on snowshoes, and equipping any necessary weapons. Meanwhile, Ford, Dipper, and Mabel sat at the checkout counter. The twins were messing with the video camera, making silly faces at it and laughing like there was no tomorrow. Ford eventually joined in on the fun, though was laughed at by his twin in the process.

Gravity Falls Season 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora