I reread over and over again trying to grab the concept of what these spirits said. Should I believe them? I paused for a moment with a temporary smirk spreading across my face. Hell, if vampires, demons, and what not existed why wouldn't I believe in spirits? Besides, what did I have to lose, my life? I laughed. That was almost a joke considering how much danger I have been in since my birthday.

"Well do you have a name?"

"My queen, we have many, but you may call me Edwin, if you see it fit."

"Edwin, why is my blood important? Why do I need to live?"

"Because without you or your blood we are all doomed. You are the only one strong enough to save the world from him. Find C. Find C. C.C.C.C.C.C.C." The letters said trialing up my arm.

"Who is him?"

"Him. Him. Him...bad man. Evil. He wants you dead."

"Why?! Answer me!" I yelled, but Edwin didn't reply.

And then there was silence.

I stared at it for the longest time until I remembered the dangerous situation I was currently in. I was broken out of my dream-like state when I heard someone yelling from a distance.

"Dammit Claire! Get out of there! Wolves are coming toward the carriage! We cant stop 'em all. What are you doing baking a fucking cake?!"

Oh right, I was in the midst of escaping.

I quickly looked up and began to climb through the hole that Chase was pulled trough. When I got my upper body out of the hole a sharp pain shot through my shoulder.

Due to the pain, I fell back into the carriage and my back crashed against the car door on the other side. I felt a stinging pain jolt through my shoulder and I quickly slid my shirt collar out of the way. When I glanced at it, I nearly fainted. There was blood oozing out from the hole in my shoulder and I screamed.

"Somebody help me please! For the dear love of God help me!", but there were no answers.

No one was going to help me and I was going to die, but I didn't care anymore. I had nothing to live for anyway. I was alone and had been for so long. I lost my parents along with my sanity and now I just wished my death would be quick. When I saw the sharp bloody teeth of the wolf inching it's way further into the carriage, I just relaxed. I had no strength to fight, no strength to move on and try. All of my energy was drained, perhaps from all the heartbreak I endured?

I missed Damien, oddly enough, and he was all I thought about in what would be my last moments. Even if Damien lied about loving me, he still said those three words to me, I love you. I just wished I could say the words back to him, to let him know that even though we haven't had the best relationship, I still loved him. When I die, would he be upset? Maybe he would be upset because he wasn't able to finish the job himself? Maybe...maybe....maybe....

Then the tears came like an angry waterfall trying to drown all in its path. I let them fall down my cheek wildly. I closed my eyes and just waited. In my head, I pleaded for forgiveness from my baby. I was going to end his or her life too and I knew I was just being selfish, but there was nothing I could do. I was giving up, giving up on myself when I knew I could pull through, when we could pull through.

Then all of a sudden there, was a slither of hope that jolted in my body. I had to live no matter how miserable I was because I did have someone to protect. Just as I opened my eyes to find another exit route, the hand of the wolf was squeezed my face aggressively. I was too late!

My eyes widened in horror and then I felt a sharp burst of energy before the carriage and I was splattered red. The werewolf instantly retracted it's shattered hand that was a bloodied pulp literally hanging by a thin string of tendons. It let out a blood curdling scream so much that I had to cover my ears. What the hell just happened?

The Slave of a Vampire (PLZ Wait to read changing to 3rd person +editing :))Where stories live. Discover now