Chapter 5

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Please read the author's note at the end I have an important question to ask y'all

Riker's P.O.V.

Man why did Kelly have to do that. I didn't realize I was crying. I decided to get on twitter.

@rikerR5: I am so sorry. Please forgive me? To infinity and beyond, Right?

I tweeted and decided to get some sleep because I didn't sleep at all last night.

Ashley's P.O.V.

I got up still really upset. I went to the bathroom and my eyes were really red and puffy. I decided to get on twitter to take my mind off of Riker. I saw Riker's tweet and I knew I still loved him. Then I saw that #forgiveriker was trending so I went to the #forgiveriker to see some of the tweets.

(BTW Follow these amazing twitter accounts!)

@R5rocks614: Hey @Ashley_LynchR5 you should #forgiveriker Y'all are too cute!

@HKCrazy4R5: Please #forgiveriker he really does care.

The next one really stood out. It was my best friend. Oh my I forgot to tell her about Riker and I. But she is a professional fangirl so it couldn't of taken her that long to find out.

@Bre006: Babe trust me #forgiveriker oh and I'm moving in with you. No questions. Already talked to Julia! see you soon!!!

Oh my! YAY!!!! I haven't seen Breanna and forever. We have a lot to catch up on. After an hour or so I decided Riker at least deserves to explain himself. I told El what I was going to do. " If that's what you want."

I got up and started the short walk home. After a week of living here Julia decided to tell me we really didn't live that far away. 

Riker's P.O.V.

I heard the front door and decided to ignore it. My eyes were closed until I felt a slight shift in the bed. My eyes opened instantly. " Ashley?"

" Riker, you have the right to explain yourself." I sighed and took in a deep breath. " So I was waiting for you to get off work when the doorbell rang. I answered it and It was Kelly and she looked like she had been crying. She explained everything that had happened. I gave her a hug and then she kissed me. I pulled away immediately. I understand if you hate me." I trailed off feeling the tears start to roll off my cheeks. " Riker, I could never hate you. Am I upset, yes. Do I believe, yes because Kelly called El to apologize. Do I forgive you?" When I heard her ask that I started sobbing. Ashley came up to me sat in my lap hugging me, and whispered in my ear, " Yes, I forgive you. To infinity and beyond. Remember?"

I felt so relieved that she forgave me. I didn't let go and I said sorry about a thousand times. " I never wanted to hurt you. When you hurt it hurts me too." I whispered. " I want you and you alone." I finished kissing her forehead.

Ashley's P.O.V.

I really do trust Riker. Am I really upset, yes. Do I still love him? To infinity and beyond.

Riker and El worked everything out and we went out to dinner. I decided I should at least warn them about Bre. " Hey guys so My friend Bre is moving in with Julia and I and she is a huge fan." They all giggled and then Ry asked the question that I clearly knew the answer to. " Who is her favorite." I looked at all of them and started laughing. " You will have to find out for yourselves." I giggled

~ Next Day~

Bre was going to be here any minute. The doorbell rang and I sprinted down stairs.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!" was all that was said...... screamed. " Breeeeee......" I said dragging out the 'e' ... " It has been a life time"  I exclaimed. " I know. So spill about you and Riker." She said. I showed her to her room and we went to my room to talk. We were in the middle of catching up until Bre screamed! " What??" I yelled. She pointed to the night stand. It was Riker's phone. So we do what any other teenage girl would do. Take thousands of selfies

~After the photo shoot~

" Hey, should I invite the Lynch's over?" I asked. " WHY HAVEN'T YOU YET!" She screamed at me. Good question Bre, good question. " I don't know I'll be right back!"

Bre's P.O.V.

I can't believe I'm in California. With my best friend who happens to be dating RIKER! I snapped out of my day dream because Riker's phone started vibrating. I looked at the screen to see a picture of Ashley and him and her name was Baby ♥ how cute is that? I decided to answer

~ Phone Converstaion~Bre: Hey!


Bre: Ash? Did you forget Riker's phone is in your room?

~ End Call~

Ashley ran into the room. " Oops. Sorry." Is all she said. She was so jealous haha. " You should try calling someone who has there phone." I suggested. I swear Ashley dyes her roots for sure.

~ An hour or so passed ~

Ashley and I were talking when the doorbell rang. Riker gave Ashley a quick kiss on the cheek. " Hey guys this is my other half Bre. " I went around and shook hands. I held my hand out for Rocky but he just stood there.

Rocky's P.O.V. ( YAY ROCKY)

I just stood there here hand out to shake mine think quick! " Any friend of Ashley's is a friend of mine." I said shaking her hand. Smooth Rocky. I have never been like this around a girl. I don't know what's happening but I kind of like it.

We spent about an hour getting to know Bre better. She's sixteen her favorite colors are blue, green and purple. Oh and she has twelve siblings.

Ashley's P.O.V.

Rocky totally likes Bre, which is perfect. " Hey let's play truth or dare." I suggested. Everyone agreed and I have a plan. " Riker truth or dare?" I asked. " Dare!" He yelled. " I dare you to call your mom and tell her you're pregnant!"

" But I'm a dude." He whined. " That's the point." I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Once his mom hung up we were all laughing really hard.

After numerous rounds of awkward dares and personal truths it was again my turn to ask. " Hey Bre... truth or dare?" I asked knowing she would pick dare.

" Dare?" She said more as a question than a statement. " I dare you to kiss Rocky."

Bre's P.O.V.

I have dreamed of this moment for years. When we kissed I don't understand why people use the term ' Fireworks' it was more like a thousand grenades going off. What if I like him? What if he like me?

Rocky's P.O.V.

I could definitely get used to that!

A/N: Hey guys.... I was wondering if you guys wanted me to right a fanfic about how Rocky and Bre's relationship blossoms? 

Oh and comment a ship.

In Example: I ship Riker And Louis from one direction so Liker haha Or Rouis you decide

Vote, comment, share.

Spread the love. You are all beautiful and I love you

Shout out to Bre. For being an awesome person :)

- Julia xoxo

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