Chapter 17

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Angel's P.O.V.

"This is pointless." Nick groaned. I laughed as he rolled his eyes.

"Why is that, Nick?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Because do you really think that the beast would be walking around the school like 'Oh hey Imma go walk around the school before a giant charity event'. Why? Why did Scott think this was going to work?" Nick complained. I laughed, I missed his constant complaining and groaning.

"I'm not sure. A lot of weird things happen in this town." I shrugged and looked at the time. 5:45. "We need to head back." I said turning around the corner almost running into Kira. "Jesus, Kira!" I exclaimed. She scared the shit out of me. Her eyes were glowing yellow.

"Yo, are you okay?" Nick asked looking at her weird. She growled at him and lunged at him. I jumped in between them and shoved her to the ground. She looked up at me and growled her eyes shining brighter. Where the hell is Scott?

"Get Scott!" I yelled at Nick and he looked at me concerned and I looked at him sternly. "Go!" I yelled and he turned and ran to find Scott. "Look, Kira. I know you don't like me but calm the fuck down. This isn't you." She growled and got up swinging at me. I ducked. "Okay, I guess we aren't gonna talk." I didn't fight her, no matter how much I wanted to. I dodged all her hits and she grabbed a broom snapping off the broom part turning it into a weapon. "Shit." I snapped out my wings and flew into the air as she swung at me. I heard a bunch of footsteps running towards us. She kept swinging at me almost hitting me. She swung and hit my wing making me off balance and fall to the ground. "Fuck!" I shouted seeing my wing with a cut on it. That fucking hurt! I looked over at her feeling my eyes turn white. Kira tried stabbing me with the stick and I grabbed it feeling it stab my hand but I powered through it and stood up. "Kira! Knock it off!" I yelled yanking the stick to one side ripping it out of her hands and snapping it in half. Kira glared at me and lunged at me.

"Oh hell no!" I heard Jade and Lilly yell then I heard growling. I hit her hand away from me but she grabbed my throat with her other hand slamming me against the wall. I glanced around Kira to see Jade and Lilly shifted and running at us, Scott and the others not far behind. Jade and Lilly threw Kira off me and growled standing in front of me in a protective manner. I fell to my knees catching my breath. Scott ran to Kira and grabbed her restraining her. Stiles, Aiden and everyone else ran over to me. Nick and the guys from my pack making a shield around me separating me from Kira. Scott was yelling at Kira to stop and suddenly it was as if a switch flipped in her head and her eyes went back to normal.

"Wh-What happened?" Kira asked looking around confused.

"You fucking psycho bitch!" Jade growled and lunged at Kira, the guys grabbed her restraining her.

"As much as I want you to rip her throat out, you can't." Nick said glaring at Kira. Kira looked over at me confused.

"Your wings." Lydia said from beside me. I looked at them and there was a nasty cut on them turning my white wings red. I looked over at them feeling the urge to cry. My wings. I tried standing up but almost fell. Stiles and Aiden grabbed my arms helping me stand up. My wings feel off balance.

"If this would've happened in Tennessee with my pack she would be punished, brutally." Nick said looking at Scott sternly. "Then again none of the members in my pack would attack another." He growled glaring at Scott and Kira.

"She didn't know what she was doing." Scott defended. Jade and Malia rolled their eyes and Lilly and Lydia crossed their arms over their chests.

"Oh yeah, like the Mega Bitch didn't know that she was attacking the girl that is close with her boyfriend." Jade said sarcastically. "Every girl knows when she's going after another girl that is involved with her boyfriend."

"Like when Jade went after- what's her name?" Lilly asked glancing at Jade.

"Don't you mean what WAS her name?" Jade asked glaring at Kira. "Her name was Sierra."

"Ah yes. Sierra liked Jade's boyfriend Alex and would not leave him Jade took it into her own hands." Lilly said shrugging. "Let's just say she isn't bothering anyone anymore." Kira looked scared.

"Bottom line is, she knew what she was doing." Jade said sassily. "Difference is that I had the guts to admit it."

"Oh yeah, I remember that." I shuddered. "That was brutal." The guys nodded and crossed their arms over their chests. Scott looked between me and Kira.

"I don't know. She has been acting weird lately and..." Scott trailed off as someone's alarm went off. Stiles pulled his phone out of his pocket.

"We need to go." Stiles said glancing at me concerned.

"My wing will heal." I said looking at it already healing. I tucked my wings back in and we began walking outside. When suddenly Nick had Scott pressed against the wall outside the door.

"You are so fucking lucky that she needs to protect you otherwise you and your little bitch would be dead and I would've taken Angel back to Tennessee." Nick growled in his face his eyes glowing red. I stepped forward touching Nick's arm.

"Nick, let him go." I said sternly. Nick let go of Scott and glared at Kira then walked away. "Well, so much for the packs getting along." I muttered and glared at Kira before following Nick to the field hearing everyone follow. We got to the field and saw Coach yelling at our players to practice harder. I set my stuff on the bench and put my helmet on.

"There she is!" Coach yelled when he saw me. I walked over to him. "You are gonna win this thing for us!" I smiled and nodded before turning around and glancing to see the two packs sitting near each other but not next to each other. I turned back around and went to practice. After a bit the game started and like I predicted Coach didn't forfeit. I looked over at Scott and smirked letting him know I was right. I grabbed the ball and ran dodging players left and right when a player came out of nowhere and almost tackled me, Brett. I did a back flip dodging him and continued running and made a goal. Everyone cheered. I glanced at the TV trucks seeing Malia cutting the wires. She's got this. I kept playing making goals left and right. Kira sat on the bench getting frustrated. The bell rang signalling halftime and that's when a horrid noise filled the air making everyone duck down and hold their ears. I looked over at Malia, eyes wide. I threw my helmet off the ran over to her. I saw her staring at a school bus looking terrified. I ran as fast as I could hearing the beast running.

"Angel! No!" I heard Scott yell and start running I ignored him and jumped into the air snapping my wings out just in time to come into contact with a giant beast. I beat my wings sending him flying backwards. I landed on the ground my eyes glowing white at the beast. The beast roared and I snapped my wings in knowing people would be looking now. I heard screams then running. I glanced to my side seeing people running into the school, when I turned back around the beast was running after the people. "Shit!" I yelled then followed the beast to the school.

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