"Probably," I replied happily, feeling better. He grinned and slapped a hand onto my shoulder. "Ni, its time," Mum said, walking over with Aaron held securely on her hip. My nerves made a reappearance as Louis smiled, taking his son into his arms.

"You're going to be fine, Niall. Don't worry," he said softly, pressing a brotherly kiss to my forehead before leaving the room. Don't worry, don't worry, yeah, that'll work brilliantly.

Greg smiled, giving me a quick one armed side hug before leaving to find Denise. As my best man, he would be walking right before Josh and I. Anna would walk with Daisy and Pheobe being the flower girl and right after Fizzy would walk with Alex, him being the ring bearer. Then Oli Green, Josh's best man, would walk with his girlfriend and then Greg and Denise, then Josh and Ben, since his parents didn't want to come, then Mum and I.

We were having a Wiccan handfasting, in the courtyard of the church Greg got married in. We spoke with the pastor there and he agreed, saying he respected all religions and all types of love. We had a High Priest and a High Priestess ready, a circle cast, and the ceremony all planned out.

Mum walked in front of me, smiling softly. "My baby boy is getting married today," she whispered, tears filling her eyes. I smiled softly. "Mama, don't cry you're going to make me cry," I said and she nodded, pressing a kiss to my cheek.

"I love you baby, okay?" she said and I smiled, kissing her back. "I love you too Mum," I said and she smiled. "Lets go darling," she said and I smiled, taking her offered arm and following her to the hallway.

I heard the music start and bit my lip. This was actually happening, I was marrying the man I had been in love with since the first time I saw him two years ago. We have two beautiful children. We have some of the best friends in the world. This was actually happening.

I was going to pass out.

"Mama, what if he's not there?" I asked worriedly and she smiled. "He's there Niall. Watch. You'll be fine," she said and I nodded. My cue came and I took a breath, holding tighter to Mum's arm.

I walked slowly with Mum, barely able to feel my legs. Holy shit Holy shit Holy shit. I trembled lightly and right before I walked out the door, Mum pulled me to a stop and made me look down at her.

"Baby, just breathe. Concentrate on something that'll take your mind off of the nerves," she said and an image of Josh two weeks ago came to mind, when he had fallen asleep on the couch with Alex and Anna curled up against him, also asleep.

I relaxed and smiled, feeling better already. She smiled and took my arm again, moving to the beat of the music as she led me down the hallway to the main room. We stopped in front of the thick curtain, waiting for the music to change before I walked.

I licked my lips and tightened my grip on Mum's arm again. Fuck I was nervous. The music changed and I nodded to myself, starting to move forward. It was time.

We stepped past the curtain, the many colours of the flowers we had chosen around us. There were bright red Arbutuses, symbolising "thee only do I love". Yellow daffodils symbolising unrequited love, or "The sun is always shining when I'm with you." Josh picked that one.

There were baby blue forget-me-nots which showed true love, memories. Which we had many. Deep purple myrtles, indicating the Hebrew emblem of marriage.

And finally the primrose. Pink and white ones, one in each bouquet of flowers on every table. Symbolising I can't live without you.

Josh and I each had a unique flower in our pockets, each symbolising something we care about for the other. Josh chose a yellow tulip for me, meaning "sunshine in your smile", saying I was his sunshine, the brightest part of his day.

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