Chapter 18 - Season 3a

Start from the beginning

Scott looks at Stiles, getting more confused by the second.

"Look out the window Scott." I tell him.

Scott looks out the window and sees Allison smiling. Her smile fades once she sees Scott.

"Oh my god." Scott says.

Lydia looks at us and Stiles waves as if to say 'Hey.'

"Can you just drive, please." Scott pleads.

"I think we should talk to them. We should say something." Stiles says.

"No!" Scott exclaims.

"I'm gonna say something." Stiles says.

He leans over Scott to reach for the window and then rolls it down.

"Heyyyy!" Stiles says.

As soon as the word leaves Stiles' lips. Lydia drives away.

"You know what. They probably didn't see us." Stiles says.

The light goes green and Stiles begins to drive. Soon enough we are behind Lydia's car.

"What are you doing?" Scott asks Stiles

"Driving." Stiles says stating the obvious.

"We're right behind them." Scott elaborates.

"Well, do you see any turn offs?" I ask.

"I don't want them to think we're following them." Scott tells us.

"Well what do you want me to do?"

"I don't know. Anything."

Stiles looks at Scott and then slams his foot on the breaks, making the jeep jolt forward. Suddenly Lydia's car stops too. We all share a look of confusion, then my hands start shaking.

"Scott, get out of the car. Get out now!" I say and he sees my shaking hands and gets out without a second thought.

Suddenly we hear a crash and two screams. Lydia and Allison get out of the car and Stiles and Scott run to them, while I run to the front of the car to see a deer through the window.

"Are you guys okay?" I ask.

"It came out of nowhere." Lydia tells us.

"Are you hurt?" Stiles asks her.

"Are you okay?" Scott asks Allison.

"I'm okay." She replies.

"Well I'm not okay. I am totally freaked out. How the hell did that just run into us?" Lydia freaks.

I look down at the deer in front of me as Scott makes his way over.

"I saw its eyes right before it hit us. It was like it... was like it was crazy." Lydia says.

"No, it was scared." Scott says.

I place my hand on the deer's body.

"Actually, terrified."


I wake up the next morning to hear Stiles and my uncle talking about the deer. When my uncle pulls Stiles out of the room and practically throws him into his car. Now I'm sitting on my bed doing nothing. Then my phone lights up. I look to the screen to see Melissa's caller ID on the screen


"Hi Mackenzie I need you to come to the hospital, its Isaac he's been attacked by an Alpha"

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