So the rules that I made up are that one team is going to go at a time and we're going to time how long they can stay on the mat, and whoever stayed on longer by the end of the game wins.

"There is going to be three rounds." I informed them. "And at the end of the game, we'll add all the times together and see who won."

Jacob sighed. "This is really unfair." He complained.

"Yeah." Tony agreed with him, even though Jacob gave him a look that said he didn't need nor want his input. "You and Kaitlyn are both so much smaller than us."

"Well the teams are already chosen so I can't go back now."

"Shut up. You're just trying to get Tony and I to 'bond' or some stupid shit like that." They both started chuckling, the kind of chuckle that read 'yeah right, as if we'd ever get along'.

"The teams have been chosen!" I said, sounding like a speaker with a low voice like in one of those war movies. "Now you may have a one minute pep-talk with your teammate. Go!!" I yelled as I dragged Kaitlyn out of the room and into the kitchen.

"We're gonna win this so-" Kaitlyn started but I cut her off.

"We have to lose." I whispered to her.

She gave me a look as if I was crazy. "What??" She practically yelled, to which I covered her mouth.

"If we lose then they'll see that they're a good team together and hopefully become friends." I explained to her.

"But...but..." She trailed off, trying to find the words to say. "I want to win."

I smiled at her. "We'll play again some other time and we'll aim that one, okay?" I reasoned with her.

She took a big breath before sighing and slowly nodding her head. I smiled at her.

"Thank you so much!" I squealed as I pulled her into a hug.

We pulled apart and walked back into the living room. "Let's play!"


"Dude, we're definitely going to win!" I heard Tony say to Jacob.

"Of course we are, we've won every round so far." Jacob responded in excitement.

I smiled to myself as Kaitlyn moved her right hand to a red dot. Before she could finish getting her hand fully on the dot, she fell on top of me causing me to fall too.

I groaned out, we may be pretending to lose but the pain is not pretend. I mean, she did just fall on top of me. It's painful stuff. Especially when I still have a broken arm and concussed head.

I stood up and stretched while Tony and Jacob high fived each other and shouted in excitement.

"We won!!!" Tony yelled.

While Jacob was yelling. "You guys suck at this, you were only on that mat for like 30 seconds!" Then he started laughing, Tony soon joining in.

Me and Kaitlyn shot each other a look. I then turned back to them. "Yep, you won." I said, pretending to sound sad.

"I really did want to win! I did, I did, I did! Oh yes I did! How sad, tis such sadness I have!" Kaitlyn dramatically cried out, trying to seem sad to.

Yeah, she's not the best liar.

But they apparently bought because they started gloating.

I rolled my eyes at them, a smile on my face. I'm really happy they're getting along. I wonder how long it'll last though.

I mean, it's a good thing they're getting along now. It's not like anything bad is going to-

"Dude! Let's totally start selling drugs...together."


Hey my Narnians'!!!

I hope you all are doing good! I'm sorry it took me so long to update, I've just been so busy.

I have a song coming out in 3 days on iTunes and Spotify. I also am in this play type thing so I've also been busy with that. And obviously school, especially considering I'm failing science right now and if I don't pass this science, I won't be able to graduate next year with the rest of my class. And that would suck. So hopefully I get all that worked out.

And have you guys heard Ariana's new song yet? If not, it's amazing!! God, she's so good!!! I FREAKING LOVE HER!!! She's my queen!





Also, I don't think I have that bug of a crush on R anymore. It's just that not a lot has happened lately. And I think I may like someone else now, I'm not completely sure yet.

Especially since (I don't know if he is or isn't yet) he may or may not be dating one of my friends.

So I'm going to find out from her, and if they are dating then I'm obviously not going to do anything. But if they're not, I'm going to mark my spot! (He's the spot)

Oh, and we're going to call him J.

But he's like so cute and sweet and he flirts with me constantly. He's also a drummer in a band, and drummers are so fucking hot, I can't even.

Also, he's liked like all my pictures in instagram. And if you like my pictures I'm like instantly in love with you.

So I don't know if things are going to work out or not, but I'll try to keep you guys updated.

Also also...

I MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE POSTED THE RELEASE DATE FOR POSSESSION (the Addiction spin-off based on Jesse and Carter) ON MY BOOK LIL' OL' ME!!! So if you want to know when that's coming out, GO CHECK THAT OUT!!!

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