"Of course not!"

"Ok then I don't know what else could possibly make me upset," he said confidently.

"I'm glad you think that way. Soooo I've been thinking."

"Uh oh."

She slapped him on the arm, "I'm being serious El."

"Go for it Benson."

"Yeah it's about that."

She now had his undivided attention. "Let me guess you don't want to change your name," he said resigned.

"Well no, yes," she stumbled across her words. "I want to be a Stabler. I will change it legally I just don't think it's a good idea to change it professionally."

He sat quiet for a few moments so she continued. "I think it would be a mistake to change it this late in my career and I think it would be confusing for ongoing cases I'm working on plus I think people would assume that we have been having an affair this whole time and I just don't-"

"Liv, Liv stop. It's ok I promise," he laughed taking one of his hands from the wheel to squeeze hers.


"If you change it legally that's enough for me. As far as professionally, I get it. I really do."

"Yeah?" she asked still not believing him.

"Yeah. Your name is legendary with SVU and with the NYPD. You've really accomplished a lot Liv and I'm proud of you. You've done a lot to build your name, I wouldn't take that away from you."

"I don't know about legendary," she scoffed. "But thank you for being so understanding." She took off her seatbelt and leaned over to bury her head in his shoulder and began to rub on his thigh.

"Now can you do me a favor?"

"After that, anything."

"Make sure you don't get so caught up in today's festivities that you forget to eat and take care of yourself."

"Of course I will. I can always eat later though," she said nonchalantly.

"You won't have time to eat later...or sleep," he responded with a mischievous grin.

She smiled back suddenly catching on to what he was implying. "And why is that?"

"Because," he struggled to keep his eye on the road and off her. "I plan on making love to my wife well into the night." He kissed her hair and her hand moved up his thigh close to his zipper.

"Mmm, is that so?" she moaned.

"Liv don't," he struggled to say. "Noah is in the backseat and I can't pull this car over."

"I didn't plan for you to. I told you no funny business until the honeymoon. Just keep your eyes on the road. You can multi task can't you?" she teased continuing to rub his thigh.

"Oh yeah...tonight you definitely won't be getting any sleep and there won't be anything funny about it."


An hour and a half later, they pulled up to beach house and saw Liz outside waiting for them with cups of coffee in her hand.

"Good grief. She's like an energizer bunny on crack," Elliot said rolling his eyes.

"Like father, like daughter."

"Gooooood morning," Liz said in a chipper tone. "You guys are right on schedule. Here's some coffee for both of you, decaf for you Liv."

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