Forever And Always,



It was the day he came to stay with my family and the day we had met. Hayden helped me put it on, and we got up, to go and watch cartoons with our kids.

Hayden had a been an amazing father and husband. It was surprising how after everything we've been through, he's still with me. I can still remember the day we got married.


Finally, after what felt like forever, it was finally time.

I was officially going to become Mrs. Bryer, and I couldn't be more happier about it.

"I'm nervous mom." I confessed, playing with the sleeves my dress. There had been so many fights with Alice about my dress. I didn't exactly want a full white dress, but Alice insisted on it. It was a long sleeve off the shoulder dress, and it was beautiful. Eventually we came to an agreement on that I could wear black shoes with it. My hair was up in a curly bun with strands sticking out of it, and my mom was behind me putting the blue piece she wore at her wedding in my hair.

"You'll be fine Melody, Hayden is going to be amazed when he sees you" She commented, kissing m cheek.

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves.

"Where are my kids?" I asked, needing them to calm me down.

"Right here!" Rosalie came in with the twins in her arms. They both reached towards me and I got up out of my chair.

"Hi, babies!" I cooed pulling them both into my arms. They both looked to be about 1 now and they were waking perfectly fine, and were incredibly smart. Celeste had practically begged me too be the flower girl, and Ashton had taken the role ring barer.

"Pretty Mama" Celeste commented in her cute small voice.

"Thank you, baby," I replied, kissing her forehead. Suddenly, Alice came into the room, bouncing on her heels.

"It's time everyone. All the guest and seated and ready!" She said excitedly. "Come on guys, let's do do your important jobs." She said holding a hand out for the twins, I put them down and they walked over to their aunt. The girls all left, and I was standing alone.

With every passing second, I felt my nerves start to rise up again. I don't even know why I was nervous in the first place!

Soon my dad came into the room, dress immaculately in his suit. He smiled when he saw me.

"Are you ready?" He asked holding his hand out.

"Yeah, just don't let me fall" I whispered. He chuckled and walked over to me.

"Don't be nervous. Everything will be perfect." He paused. "Melody, you are strong and kind and beautiful. I'm so proud of the woman you have become." I felt tears start to well up, in my cheeks, but I forced them down, wrapping my arms around his waist in a hug.

"I love you daddy," I whispered. I felt him smile in my hair, hugging me tighter. I smiled, reaching up to kiss his cheek, before linking my arm with his, and grabbing my bouquet. "Let's go"

We went out the open door and down the stairs. I watch as my daughter walks down the aisle with Alice, sprinkling rose petals as they went. The sight was honestly so cute.

Then the sound of the wedding march came over the piano. Everyone stood up.

"Ready?" My dad whispered.

Singing Away Your Pain: Renesmee Twin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now