Chapter 6

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“HURRY UP CUNTS” screams Beau.

He is the only one ready and sitting downstairs in Ariana’s lounge. None of Ariana’s family is home and we’re all getting ready for the movies. I’ve been staying at Ariana’s a lot lately as rehearsals for our show is becoming more frequent and her home is a lot closer to set and my mum is hardly home due to her new job out here, but I truly love Ariana’s home.

I walk into Ariana’s room and she’s just finishing off her hair.

“Hey, Luce, what shoes do I wear with this outfit?” She asks

“Well you have quite a collection!” I say, laughing. She owns so many shoes that she could open her own shoe shop!

“No this is serious! Please help me!” She whines jokingly. She picks up some beige heels and white converse. “Which ones?” She asks me.

“We’re only going to the movies, Ari. You don’t need heels. Wear the converse.”  My decision clearly didn’t make a difference and she looks at me as if I just spoke another language.

“Are you serious? There will still be fans and people with cameras. I need to make some sort of effort. I love my heels” She says half laughing, kissing them

I start laughing at her. “Ok whatever you say, just hurry up” I say while walking out of her door.

As I’m walking down the corridor, I see Luke standing in front of the mirror sorting out his hair. No one is around so I walk up to him and give him a quick kiss on the cheek, smiling. We’re still keeping our liking for one another a secret because we don’t want the fans or the boys or even Ariana to know; it’s the only way the relationship will work.

He turns to face me and raises his eyebrows.

“Well that was a surprise! Are we being rebellious today?” He gives me a gentle kiss on the lips and leans his forehead against mine.

“You look beautiful tonight” He whispers. He runs his hands up and down my back and then slowly up to the back of my neck. I put my arms around his waist and step closer towards him. We both lean in to kiss until...

“Ariana? Ariana where are you?” shouts Jai from the room close to where we were standing. We quickly separate and Luke turns round to stand in front of the mirror fixing his hair again, so I quickly run to my ‘bedroom’ door so it looked as if I just walked out of it. A few seconds later, a flustered Jai walks out of the room trying to fix his bow tie.

“Ariana can you help me, this fucking thing won’t go right” He says once more walking into Ariana’s bedroom. I hear Ariana laugh at Jai’s reaction as she shuts the door behind him.

My heart is quickly pounding against my chest. That was so close! I can barely stand. I look over to Luke and see his reflection in the mirror, he looks back and takes a long breath out. He gives me a small wink and a smile and turns round to walk towards me.

“Wow, I’m shaking. That was too close” He says once he’s next to me

“I know...but it was quite funny if you think about it. I rather enjoyed that” I say smiling.

He looks at me through the corner of his eye and grins. We both begin laughing and walk downstairs to meet Beau who is fiddling with his phone

“Where are Jai and Ariana? The movie starts in 15 minutes!” Beau shouts. I didn’t think of him to be the organised type but he always likes to be early.

“Jai is in Ariana’s room so who knows how long they could be” James says walking down the stairs with the biggest smile on his face.

“Well if they’re not down in 5 minutes we’re going without them, this is such a piss take” Beau sits back down and starts fiddling with his phone again.

“Someone is on their period today” jokes Daniel

“Erm Skip, I don’t think now is the best time to be making fun of Beau.” I remind him.

“Ah whatever, he’s such a stress head.” He replies

5 minutes pass until we hear a door shut and Ariana’s giggling. Beau jumps up from his seat and eagerly opens the front door.

“Oi you, we're going to the movies so cheer up otherwise you won’t enjoy it” I say pushing his shoulder back a little, in hope to cheer him up. He gives me a big smile and then fixes his snap back.

“Yeah I know but Jai and Ariana are always the last ones and there will be fans outside wanting to meet us and we’re gonna look like dicks because we won’t have time to say hi because of them” he sighs and looks down at his shoes. That's why he liked being early.

“They’ll be happy either way. Just a glimpse of you all will make them happy. Trust me on that.”

He looks at me and puts his arm around my shoulder. “You’re pretty cool you know” he laughs

“Of course I am” I reply and within minutes we’re laughing and singing down the road and Daniel joins in with us. Luke is on James’ back making a keek, while Jai and Ariana are walking hand in hand slightly behind. As we get nearer the cinema, we all quiten down and separate from one another to greet fans and to safely get inside.

Girls have already noticed us as we begin hearing a few screams. It only takes one scream to set them off! As we get closer, it gets crazier and girls are trying their hardest to get a photo or a hug. Everyone is getting pushed from side to side and there’s no room to move. All I can hear is loud pitch screaming and the boys’ and Ariana’s name being screamed at numerous times from all directions. I put my head down to avoid getting blinded from the flashing cameras and focus on just walking forward. I’m in the middle of this growing crowd. 

Finally, the security comes to help disperse the crowd. Once we’re all inside we take in and what just happened and wave at the fans through the windows and doors.

“I had like 3 girls kiss my neck at one time, it was the weirdest but bestest time of my life” says Daniel rubbing his neck. We all stop to stare at him, he’s so random that you can’t help but laugh at everything he says.

We take our seats in the Cinema and get ready to watch the film. Jai and Ariana sit away from us and I almost call them over until I notice Beau whisper something to Luke and shake his head. Jai and Ariana have annoyed him somehow.

I make my self comfortable with James and Luke either side of me.

“The ghost in this film is sitting under your chair and is gonna grab your legs while you’re watching this film. It’s happened before so I thought I’d warn you” James whispers close to my face. He knows I’m terrified of these ghost films and keeps trying to scare me

I push him away from me laughing. “Oh fuck off James! Don’t do that!”

He starts laughing and begins making ghost noises while pulling my hair until the lights go down to indicate the film is starting.

Just before the film starts Luke leans closer to me.

“You know if you get scared, my hand is right here” he whispers, showing me his hand which is just in between mine and his leg. He knows that way if I want to hold his hand no one will see it.

“That might come in useful” I whisper back giving him a smile. 

Daniel Sahyounie, Luke Brooks, Janoskians, Ariana Grande/Jariana FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now