{7}: The Lessons

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This is Angelina House 🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽Tell me who you guys want a picture of next, because I really don't know who you to put on the multimedia next 😂 I'm struggling!

Chapter 7: The Lessons

I was trailing behind Jayvens sports car which was driving really fast. I kind of had a feeling he was doing this on purpose, every time the light would change he would zoom off like he was in a race or something.

We finally made it to his house, I was looking around in awe. I thought that his house was going to be some type of mahogany house on top of the mountain, looking at all the flaws in this city, but instead, it was a two-story house that looks homey and comfortable.

"Well, are you going to get out or are you just going to sit in here forever?" Jayven asks with a pinch of attitude. I hop out of my dad's car and trail right behind Jayven into his house. I didn't even get a great look at Jayven home because he grabbed my arm and rush me inside his room.

"Woah, calm down" I rip myself away from his grip, it wasn't tight, but when he had let go of my wrist it was kind of tingling. I took my focus off of my wrist and started to look around his room. He had a black carpet covering his floor and his bed was undone with a black sheet on-top. His walls were covered with girls that were half naked and sports cars. Of course, typical boys. It was crazy how his room basically described him.

"You were taking too long, take off your shoes," he says while sitting down in his chair that was behind his desk. I wasn't about to take off my shoes just because he said it in a demanding way, but I did it anyway. I bent down to take off my pumas steadily. I was most definitely going to wash the white part of my show when I got home. People had been steeping all on my toes during the school hours. Like jeez, don't they have eyes, and the worst part is I don't even think anyone said sorry afterward. When I looked up Jayven was staring at me intently. I decided to speak to take the awkwardness away.

"Okay, so tell me about Devon" I walk towards Jayven bed and sat down while rubbing my hands up and down on my pants.

"Let's skip that" Jayven said getting up from his seat and sitting beside me on his bed. Why do I feel so nervous when he's always this close to me?

"Why would we skip that, that's the main part about these lessons, right?" I ask bewildered.

"Actually, no, I have to teach you a lot of things new girl, like how to please him"

"Please him, like what exactly?" I was not feeling this, I felt like he was trying to help me be Devon slave instead of his girlfriend.

"Yes, please him," Jayven said rolling his eyes. Was he irritated by me? "The most thing that Devon love is a girl that can kiss, I'm pretty sure you good at that right?" Jayven looks at me waiting for my answer, but to be honest I didn't know how to kiss. I only had one boyfriend during my high school year and we decided to take it slow, which means kissing was off limits. We did pecks then and there but nothing major like sticking your tongue in your partner's throat.

"Oh my gosh, don't tell me you don't know how to kiss?" Jayven asks shockingly, but it seems like he was amused a little. I hung my head low feeling ashamed.

"Is it a bad thing?" I ask in a monotone voice.

"Yes it's a fucking bad thing, you might as well found somebody else to like because you're not going to get nowhere with Devon if you're not a professional kisser" Jayven then stands up from his bed and stood in front of me. 

"unless" I felt my head being lifted up by Jayvens fingers. "I can teach you"

 "I can teach you"

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