{5}: Sunday, Angry Dads, and Surprises. Can We Say Hallelujah!

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The picture at the top is Devon 👆🏽👆🏽

Chapter Five: Sunday, Angry Dads and, Surprises. Can We Say Hallelujah!

Today is Sunday. Dad thought it would be a good idea to speak to a pastor. He said what I did to that poor little girl was very sinful.

If he only knew that, that poor little girl was nowhere near innocent. She was a devil spawn and a monster.

Can you not believe that my dad actually felt for her. He said I could've given her breast cancer. Of course, she can't get breast cancer from me punching her in the boobs. However, he didn't seem to understand. 

Church service was finally over. Dad grabs me by my arm to take me to see Pastor Davis. "Aw, dad come on, it's not that serious" I beg to try to get out from his grip.

"It is serious Aaliyah, I don't know what got into you but violent is not the answer" I can tell dad was mad because he didn't call me by my nickname.

If dad thinks I'm going crazy because of my memories then he's mistaken.

"Dad you don't understand," I said.

Dad ignored me completely but instead started to talk to Pastor Davis.

"How are you doing pastor?" Dad asks while shaking his hands.

"I'm doing good son, how's life treating you?" Pastor Davis ask with much gratitude.

Pastor Davis was actually a good looking man. He had black slick hair that looks like he takes his time with and a perfect set of grey eyes. Why does he look so familiar?

"It's treating me fair. I actually need a favor" Dad said with me still in his grip. It wasn't a tight grip but I wanted him to let go.

"And what is that?" Pastor Davis ask while looking at my dad intently.

"You see my daughter here is having a hard time coping with her mother's death--"

"Please, dad" I plead. He knows that I don't want to talk about my memories to anybody, but instead he was forcing me to. I wasn't ready.

Pastor Davis looks at me with sympathy in his eyes. He then looks back at my dad who starts back talking.

"You see, yesterday I took her and her brother to go get some Ice cream, then all of a sudden she just erupted into a volcano and punch a girl right in her chest, then she had the nerve to say bon appé-, well it's not a nice word, Um, it basically ends with a women chest" Dad seems like he didn't know which appropriate word to use.

"You don't understand" I repeated trying to hold back the tears that were trying to fall from my eyes.

"What don't I understand Aaliyah, please inform me because clearly, you won't tell me," Dad said finally paying attention to my presence.

I decided not to answer. I didn't want to tell him that I was getting bullied. That would just cause more trouble to his plate.

"See what I'm talking about" Dad let an aggravating sign.

"Okay, I see, how about we start counseling with her next week on Sunday?" Pastor Davis asks.

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