{6}: He Wants To Teach Me How To Be The Perfect Girl?

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Chapter 6: He Wants To Teach Me How To Be A Perfect Girl?

The picture to the side is "The Mean Girl"

Authors Note: Hey guys, can you guys do me a BIGGGG favor and try to reach my follows to 800 followers. I believe you guys can do it! Tell everybody else, spread the news and share my story! Thanks :) love ya smooches! XOXO

The weekend went by too fast and here I was waking up this morning and ready to start this dreadful Monday, not really.

I decided that I was too tired to dress cute so I decided to wear my Adidas sweat, my gray hoodie, and my black Nike slides. I put my hair up into a messy bun and started to apply some mascara on my eyelashes. That's the least girly thing I can do. After completing my morning routine, I walked downstairs and grab the cereal box while waiting for Jordan to come downstairs.

We have a T.V in our kitchen so I decided to watch sponge bob to take my mind off school for a little. I'm surprised dad not down here. Or maybe I got dress too fast since I do kind of look like a bomb.

20 mins later Jordan finally comes downstairs. "Took you long enough," I said while standing up from my stool and emptying my cereal milk into the sink.

"Aw shut up, like you haven't taken longer than this" Jordan says grabbing a granola bar, an apple, and an orange juice bottle.

"Come on fatty before were late" I grab the Toyota keys from the bucket on the counter and walk out of the front door.

"I'm coming" Jordan had food all in his mouth while taking and walking behind me.

"You better not spit no food on me you horse, and where's dad," I ask while opening the door from the drivers' side.

"Oh, yea I almost forgot. He told me to tell you that he's not coming back until tomorrow night.. business stuff" Jordan hops in the car while closing his door.

"How can you forget to tell me that doofus?" I rolled my eye at his stupidness. That was important news and he forgot to tell me like really.

"Geez calm down, it just slipped my mind," Jordan says while plopping his earbuds in his ear.

Calm down Aaliyah, calm down before you do something you'll regret. Or maybe I won't regret it.

I finally arrive at school. There was barely any parking spaces to park at. Thank god I found one close by the school building. I was just about to hop out of the car until I spotted four sports cars coming down the student parking lot with speed.

I notice that everyone outside stop talking and started gawking at the cars like it was the most beautiful thing in the world. Oh, come on guys it's just sports cars... Catch a grip.

But that's until I saw the people that came out of the car. It was the four amigos. Jayven and his buddies. My eyes instantly spotted a specific person. Devon. I wonder if he's even going to talk to me at school or just ignore me.

I mean if he does ignore me then I can't lie, that would kind of hurt. What did I expect, for us to be best friends?

I finally stop watching the show while some girls started to crowd around their cars instantly. Jeez, their not Gods."You see there Jordan, they are just attention seekers and that's not cute at all" I stated. I didn't hear a word back from Jordan so I decided to turn around to see Jordan was nowhere to be found. Of course, he left me again.

I walked inside the school glad that I was away from all of that chaos. I went towards my locker and started to grab the books that I needed for today.

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