twenty seven

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Teuk hyung was asking the others out if they want to eat with us,
" mom made kimchi and some side dishes maybe we could just eat at home and just buy some drinks."

Seeing the house, it seems practical to start saving up early.
Maybe we could start on buying furnitures...?
I take a secret glance at Donghae who was using his phone.
I was sort of distracted wondering who he might be texting.
But I'll asked him later.

"Thats a great idea! We could just have some ramen as well!"
And off we go back to the dorm.
Donghae was still quite and wasn't speaking to me.
I guess he's still upset when i told him off.

Shindong hyung way on his way back from the radio station and manage to get some pork skin and soju as well.
He said that while we're at it we might as well play mafia.

Donghae can't win a decent game of mafia, he's so obvious and he's not a good liar.
I wonder what will happen tonight?
On our way home I realized that if we live separately from the others won't others find out abour our relationship?
Well we're always together so that should be no problem.
But what if the media finds out about us?
I mean I could probably shake it off that's how much I loved him but He's really sensitive and I don't want to see him hurting.
How frustrating it is to be in this kind of situation.

I looked back only to find out that he was looking at me and How much I wanted to hugged him at that moment but I only smiled and stop walking and waited for him, I took his hand and sneak a quick kiss on his cheek

"I love you.. You know that right? "
He blushed and simply nodded
"Later.. "
And I can't help but anticipate what's gonna happen.
How naughty Donghae really is.

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