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"Hyung, I met someone back home
And she wants us to date.."
I looked at Donghae while he was telling us about his stay at his hometown.
Oh?he found a girl and wants to date her after confessing he loves me?
What a backstabbing idiot he is.
To think I thought he was serious.

But if that what it takes to turn back things to normal
To have him by my side again
Even if seeing him with someone else I think i will take it.

Heechul hyung was looking at me,
Like his waiting for my reaction
Like he was gauging my take with Donghae stories
But I need to be the better person and laughed when I needed to keep quiet when it was needed.
Hae seems to be okay so I guess I'm okay.

"Don't fall too hard Donghae, make sure you get to know the person first before being serious." Shindong hyung said while browsing through his phone.

"Of course Hyung! I wouldn't be caught in a one sided love."
And when he said that he looked sideways at me then smiled painfully at me.

See!he really likes me!
I don't know why I am so happy about this but miserable at the same time.
How cruel life can be.

While rehearsing I find it difficult to practice,I keep on taking tabs on Hae just to make sure he's doing good.
He was laughing and playing with the other members but not with me
He was still distant with me
But I don't know how to change the fact that he loves me
And I have to pretend that I don't

Say what?
I was too surprised at my own thoughts I stumbled on a dance routine and felt my ass heating the floor.

"What happened?"
Hae immediately rushed at my side
"Are you hurt anywhere?" He was checking my arms for wounds,
What has this idiot done to me to make me realized that
I am in love with him?

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