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After three long days
I'm starting to hear things,
I swear I heard Hae's laughter just now
One time I thought I heard him calling my name
I heard it so clearly
Or was I simply insane?
Today I barged into his room expecting to see him there looking at his laptop sorting out his photos
But he wasn't there.

Ramen doesn't taste the same
I was restless at night
And Yesung hyung said that he heard me crying one time
Although I can't remember doing so

"That's it!" Teuk hyung said one morning at the table,
I was looking at the kimchi for over an hour
Wondering if Donghae was eating as well
When he banged his fist at the table

"Whatever issues you two have make up and sort it out together! Donghae's mom just called and she was worried because he wasn't eating for the past few days get him home now!"

" last time Donghae called me crying...but he wasn't saying anything." Sungmin said seriously.

"What could you have possibly done Hyukjae to make that kid so upset?"
Heechul hyung said.

"Hyung! I didn't do anything wrong!"
"Be the mature one and amend things with him...you know that as long as you say you're sorry he'll come running back here.."

But saying sorry means i love him back right?
And I can't say that to hyung.

I'm not even sure what to say once I see him...
It will be pretty awkward.
But I do miss him...
He's my best friend why does he have to fall for me?
There are thousands of girls wanting to date him
Thousands of girls wanting to be his girl
How about him wanting to have kids?
He said he wants four kids...
How am i supposed to give that to him?

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