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I was packing my bags when I heard the door open,
I saw kyuhyun who seems to be hesitating to talk.
"What's up?" I said to break the silence.
"Are you sure about this?"
"About what?"
I stop mid packing and look at him,
"About you and Donghae,"
Ahh...i know that someone from the group will find it difficult to understand.
But it came as a surprise that it would be kyuhyun

"I have think about it a thousand times, I have thought about the worst thing that could happen to the group."
"And?" He was waiting for my conclusion.
"It didn't come close...if I would lose Donghae...I can't imagine my life without that idiot. I...I...I am crazy in love with him."
There..I said it.
I am so scared with the mere thought of losing him.
That the thought of having someone else hold him drives me crazy.
He was silent for a moment.
"And what if We asked you to leave? Would you do that to keep him?"
I didn't even hesitate
"But I am only speaking for myself I don't want to force Donghae if he would dump me to stay in the group."
Although that would hurt a lot.
"Like I would Ever do that."
Donghae was beside kyuhyun and was looking at him.
I don't want them to fight of course.
"Hae..." I was silently wishing that he would calm down, we can't force our decision to everyone.
He was not listening to me and frankly it makes me mad when he does that
I throw my bag down with a bang
He was surprised then looked at me
" I wasn't gonna fight with him!"
And he was walking towards me.
"Get out, both of you."
He looks at me his eyes brimming with tears,
Damn Don't look at me like that,
He wasn't gonna leave me
" I'll leave you two be.."
Kyuhyun went out.

"Are you still asking me to leave?"
"Well I am packing and I will be leaving"
"Then I won't see you for days...and I am gonna miss you.."
See? This is why I love this idiot,
He's not shy about his feelings for me.
He's pretty straight forward,he knows what he wants and he knows how to get it.

He went closer and hugged me.
"Why are you still wearing my clothes? "
" I'm still waiting for you to take it off for me.."
"What?! Don't be silly..take a shower and change clothes.."
" I want to sleep again...I haven't sleep decently for the past few days."
" You can.. once I'm gone for a few days.."
"Don't you dare play with your childhood sweetheart there I will visit and break your bones, is that clear?"
I have a clear memory of Donghae's jealous fits.

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