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Day Seven
Yes, it's been a week since Hae left
He hasn't message me nor try to even see me
It's like I didn't exist
Aww..maybe he did realized that
I wasn't meant for him
And somehow thinking about it

"Hyukjae do you have any plans on seeing him soon?" Siwon asked me while he was fixing his hair.
He seems to be in a better mood
Looks like he has smoothed things over with his girlfriend.
Which was good news,
I, on the other hand is still clueless on what to do next.
I want Hae to come home
But I can't be in a relationship with him other than being a brother

"Why can't he just go home on his own then?" I was exasperated.
"He's bound to come back..we have rehearsals tomorrow."
Teuk hyung said.

I get to see him.
I was too excited to see him
Which wasn't normal,
He was my bestfriend but why have things turn out this way?
It was a long night.

I was as usual restless that night,
I was in and out of the room
Drinking a glass of milk
Or just simply counting the hours that I need to wait until I see him again.
Maybe he has cleared his mind
And want to go back to us
That would surely help us a lot.
And I could have him back as my bestfriend.

That morning, I saw Teuk hyung speaking to a blonde guy.
After looking at him for several minutes I came to realized that I was looking at Donghae
The idiot change the color of his hair

"Oh?what brought this on?"
"I was bored with my hairstyle,"
He said to me as if me speaking to him was nothing special.
I looked at him,something has changed.

He smiles differently.
He was not the same Donghae.

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