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"I felt dizzy just now.."
I could feel cold sweat on the back of my nape
Being near him felt like that.
He helped me stood up and was still looking at me.
With him looking at me like that I wanted to hugged him so bad
Is this normal?
He was still my Donghae right?
He said he loves me right?
That hasn't changed after a week right?

Heechul Hyung was laughing quietly on the side, Teuk hyung was looking at him he gave him a peace sign and went back to laughing like he knows something but he wouldn't tell anyone.

Sungmin was looking at Donghae then at me then back to Heechul hyung, he gave this shy smile and give out a sighed like he's relieved about something.

"Get up..your clothes gonna get dirty."
"Your still gonna wear them anyway so..."
I was waiting for his response, he then looked at me for a long time and closed his eyes.
Then he was on his knees crying.

"I'm sorry for being an idiot..."
He was sobbing like a kid.
Kangin hyung was looking at us as if he hasn't seen us fight before but it was a shock that Donghae was the first one to say sorry.
It usually me who says sorry first even if it wasn't my fault
Thats how out relationship was for the past decade.

"I am not come back home."
See he's like a kid.
That day went much better than I expected.
We went home,ate our dinner.
And drink a can of beer in my room.
Hae's in a better mood, He has return to being the clingy Donghae.

I saw him stood up and went straight to my closet, he was rummaging my clothes.
"What are you looking for?"
"Just one of your pjs..." he said while throwing some clothes out.
I know the answer but I can't help but asked
"Why?what for?"
" Well?what am I gonna wear?"
Its as if something of a fact.
When he found what he was looking for the idiot dare to strip in front of me and wore my pjs.
I have seen him undressed before but it felt different somehow, I felt myself blushed.

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