"Alright then."

Well, I guess nights out with Kai aren't that bad.


"Finally you made it." Damon sighed as Kai and I came downstairs, now showered and dressed.

We ate and got ready, he stole some clothes from Damon's room, just a simple black jeans and white shirt. I wore a plaid skirt with a crop tank top.

"Hello to you too." I replied, rolling my eyes once we sat on the sofa. Kai placed me on his lap. I moved off but he put me back, I looked back at him. "Seriously, we're doing this again?"

"Yep." He nodded. I sighed and sat between his legs.

"So what's wrong?" I asked anyone, crossing my leg over the other.

"What's on your wrist?" Elena asked.

"Skin." I covered my tattoo. Kai did the same.

"What else?" Elena asked, rolling her eyes.

"Nothing." I lied.

"I swear I saw som-"

"Elena, you're obviously going blind. Damon what is it you want?" Kai interrupted. I let out a deep breath while Elena and Damon glared as did Bonnie.

"Stefan turned off his humanity." Bonnie told us, I raised my eyebrows.

"When did he do this?"

"Last night."

I brought my eyebrows together in confusion. "But I saw Stefan this morning." I said, making them look as confused as I was.

"He was here this morning?" Damon asked, I nodded.

"He opened my curtains saying I should get up. I ignored him and saw him leave the room. He looked normal."

"Stefan always seems normal without his humanity." Damon said, I nodded.


"So now what?" Kai asked, tracing patterns down my back. I shivered and he chuckled.

"Okay, Riley show me your wrist." Elena said, rising to her feet. I huffed but held out my wrist without the tattoo and she rolled her eyes. "The other one, there's something there I swear."

"Oooo." Damon beamed, looking interested.

I shook my head. "There's nothing there."

"Actually." Kai piped up which earned a look from me. Though, he ignored it like usually. "When Ri and I had our little adventure last night, we had a lot of fun but made a few mistakes."

And with that Kai revealed his tattoo for everyone to see, while I hid my face in shame.

The three of them leaned in to have a good look before exploding into laughter. I punched Kai's arm several times while he laughed too because I was glad that I couldn't feel it.

"Hurtful Ri." He said between laughs. I scoffed and Kai grinned showing his perfect teeth.

I fake smiled back and Kai kissed my forehead. "You two will never not
make me laugh." Damon said once he'd finally calmed down.

"Whatever." I stood up. "I would love to stay and chat but yeah I don't want to." I shrugged. "Plus I need to talk to Liv."

"Leaving me Ri?" Kai asked. I shrugged again, picking up Zeke from the floor. I fixed him on my back.

"You can come, but Liv doesn't really like you and may try to murder you." I paused. "Scratch that, she will try and murder you." Kai scoffed and stood up.

Stuck With Him: Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now