*Lillith: Your Dark Side*

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Lilith in Aries: Can be impulsive, selfish, ruthless and hungry for power. Lilith in Aries are sexually licentious and immodest, exploiting their physical body. They are a storm, culminating war and anger around themselves. They are prone to childish temperament and lying.

Lilith in Taurus: Careless with money, sexually impulsive, and lustful. Lilith in Taurus are stubborn and will not be controlled. They are immodest in their spending. They are usually shameless.

Lilith in Gemini: Manipulative, unfaithful, impatient, and superficial. Lilith in Gemini are gifted with a snake's tongue and a brilliant cunning mind. They exploit their minds and ideas. They tempt you with their words.

Lilith in Cancer: Needy, dependent, and refuses to accept help. Lilith in Cancer usually hide their emotions. Their seeming innocence lures in potential lovers. They exploit the feelings of others to their advantage.

Lilith in Leo: Impatient, egoistic, and emotionally immature. They are controlling, and they are liars. Lilith in Leo express their sexuality in an "animalistic" way.

Lilith in Virgo: Compulsive, obsessive, and a perfectionist. They lure with their words. Lilith in Virgo like to please and serve. Can be critical and sharp-tongued. They usually suppress their sexuality.

Lilith in Libra: Dangerously seductive, indecisive, and desperate for affection. Their sweet persona is alluring. Lilith in Libra are flirtatious and charming. Beneath their exterior lies a jealous angry lover. They can be aggressive, yet co-dependent.

Lilith in Scorpio: Manipulative, jealous, and violent. They are the devil incarnate. They exploit others sexually. Lilith in Scorpio delights in knowing other peoples' deepest secrets, but they will never admit their own. They are magnetic and sexually seductive.

Lilith in Sagittarius: Immature, ruthless, and tempting. Lilith in Sagittarius usually makes unwise decisions and does not learn from their mistakes. They judge harshly, and are usually spiritually and sexually free.

Lilith in Capricorn: Stubborn, like to be in control, and have a superiority complex. Lilith in Capricorn will use sex as their weapon. They may also appear innocent as Capricorn often does. Usually hides emotions, appearing cold and severe.

Lilith in Aquarius: Impatient, rebellious, and obsessed with freedom. Bad choices can cause loss of their friends over the years. They are stubborn and associate with the wrong type of people. Lilith in Aquarius is magnetic and experimental. They tempt with their experimentative sexual openness.

Lilith in Pisces: Nervous, indecisive, hesitant, and naive. They are secretive and promiscuous. Temptation lies in their power to hypnotize. Lilith in Pisces is prone to drug use. They can also be very seductive

A/N: You can thank tumblr for this chapter, and the song above is an amazing one, coming from my BF's fav band, 3 Doors Down. They are slowly taking if my playlists lol XD. Vote, comment, share. U know the Jazz routine

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