What The Signs Do Between Classes

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Aries: Is slamming their stupid locker
Taurus: Eating food they have stashed
Gemini: Dancing through the halls
Cancer: Acting like Shakespeare for no reason other than they can
Leo: Flirting, obviously
Virgo: Reading, then looking up FanFiction
Libra: Fixing their hair and makeup in the bathroom
Scorpio: Making death threats to people who stare at them
Sagittarius: Decorating their locker in sparkles
Capricorn: Trying to avoid everyone because they don't understand
Aquarius: Is stalking bae
Pieces: Is hiding in the art room

A/N: OMG CAMILLE IT HAS BEEN FOREVER WTF GUUUUUURRRLL?!?!?! I honestly don't even know. I ran low in ideas and I was busy flirting with bae like Aquarius lol. Anyway, sorry. Please leave requests, need some inspiration \(^*^)/

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